Biden Expresses ‘Support for a Ceasefire’ As Israel-Hamas Conflict Worsens

Do you support a ceasefire?

  • 67

    Why are we still coddling that crooked Netenyahu ?? He acts with impunity. I know exactly how to get a 2 state solution............tell that crook that Israel will not get another DIME from america until he gives the land back that he stole from the Palestinians.......(not to mention that israel stole the original land in the FIRST place!). They keep taking more and more. CUT HIM OFF!!!! without american they would not have all the weapons they have to slaughter the other side. I am SICK of it!

  • 1,214

    Get rid of all the terrorist that occupy Israel.

  • 38

    Biden needs to be more aggressive towards Israel when is comes to asking for a cease fire.

  • 41

    Israel is one fifth the size of Ohio!!! It is extremely vulnerable to the despotic corrupt nations that surround it. It has every right to defend it's citizens and small territory in every way it can and end all attacks against it in a way that convinces the low cultural capital thugs that any attack is suicidal.

  • 81

    Hamas started this BS. Again. I'm 64. I've seen this happen over and over. Muslim countries attacking Israel. Israel responds and people expect Israel to step back. Well, F that.

  • 41.9k

    Yes, cease fire. This is a highly asymmetric affair with Palestinian casualties something like 20 times greater than the Israeli’s. The Palestinian people are caught in a power play due to Hamas terrorists funded by Iran attacking Israel. The Israeli defensive capabilities and offensive capabilities greatly outmatch those of the Palestinian people. It is a human rights issue spawned by Israeli continuing to take over the long time homes of Palestinian’s who have lived in the same home for decades - because they can. The two state peace plan engineered by Kushner does not involve Palestine at all, it is a peace plan between Arabs led by Saudi Arabia; just between them and Israel. It removes support of much of the Arab world for the plight of the Palestinians, and gives permission for the Saudi’s to conduct an equally asymmetric war with Shiite Yemen. There has to be a better way to reach an equitable resolution and keep Iranian supported organizations out of the process. It has been a big problem for a long time and can only be resolved by Israel and Palestine reaching agreement between themselves with a treaty sanctioned and monitored by the UN. Our country still has the ability to facilitate the process diplomatically and to use our economic tools as leverage to force the issue.

  • 36

    Oppose…. At least until Biden supports our best friend in Isreal

  • 706

    Let the hell fire rain down. Hamas is like a bully that punches someone and then offers peace so as not to get punched in the face. Let's take stock here. Challenging I know for Lefty-Dims. Someone starts lobbing bombs over your fence. You're passive at first, not wanting to escalate things, but it continues. People are dying all around you. Then you decide you've had enough and retaliate. Wait! Let's call a truce - "peace man". I know I shelled the shit out of your people but don't reciprocate. Really? Dimocrats are the greatest threat to our Constitutional Republic so I suggest we round them up and put them on anything that floats or flies and point them toward all points communist. DeFazio, Wyden, Merkley - this means you.

  • 223

    We need to call out the massive human rights violations that are Forced upon the Palestinians every single day not to mention the latest violence

  • 32

    Hamas needs to stop first. We need to give humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people, the people are not all supportive of Hamas.

  • 22

    We need to push the President to stand for a cease-fire and stop the atrocities and genocide that Israel is committing! This is so ridiculous. This isn't tit-for-tat, this is straight up a violation of human rights, of human life, and overuse of power. Israel needs to be stopped.

  • 111

    How could anyone not support a cease fire? Is shooting rockets back and forth a good thing? Of course the cease fire has to go for both sides. If one side keeps firing, then it's not a cease fire.

  • 27

    The endless war between Israel & Gaza must end & the USA must stop finding this war on both sides & stop supplying weapons!7

  • 48.3k

    This is further proof that Dear Donald's empty efforts didn't actually accomplish any peace in the Middle East. Where are all those other countries who established diplomatic ties with Israel now? Are they negotiating peace between Hamas and Israel? Are they speaking out? Once again, Donald and Jared didn't actually accomplish anything. Just empty photo ops.

  • 93

    Hamas may be a terrorist group, which doesn’t always benefit the Palestinianas.That being said Israel needs to dial this crisis down and consider other options. It looks like a David and Goliath scenario.

  • 1,696

    Too many innocent lives and homes being destroyed. It's stupid and ignorant. Get along! Stop this insanity!

  • 57

    It's time to support the Palestinian people and condemn the violence on both sides, Give Peace a chance. Enough Men, Woman,and children have died. This is unacceptable.

  • 240

    Y’all should be focused on a ceasefire instead of inflaming the situation, TED! Every dead kid is on your soul, what little there is left of it. I seriously have never been more disgusted by so called Christian men, RANDY AND TED! And John, your cowardice is stunning.

  • 1,479

    Not only do I support a cease fire, but they should stop this fighting all together. I’ve commented before about this conflict. To reiterate, after the Second World War there was a need to assist the world Jewish community by giving them a homeland. Some British government guy sent a memo to his superiors and suggest Palestine, because no one had a better idea this got adopted by the UN and became fruition. Jews from all over the world began to settle in Palestine. No one asked the Palestinians and the other Arab countries opposed this at the time. The Palestinians unable to form leadership of its own have looked to Hamas to protect them. The battling between these peoples started just a few short years after Israel was formed. Fast forward to today, after decades of fighting and millions of displace Palestinians the conflict has continued. So, now Israel has the upper hand. I read somewhere that two thirds of Israel’s budget comes from US foreign aid. Yes, we support them and we should…but I don’t think our intentions are to allow them to act as an imperial government and hold the Palestinians as subservient. The argument has always been about land and whose people have the right to it. There are too many of each group to share it and the two state solution has never took hold after years of negotiations. Curiously none of the other Arab states want to give the Palestinians a real home with citizenship, but only offer refugee camps over all these years. Hamas needs to disappear and the Palestinians need a place to live, the world needs to step up.

  • 46

    Israel has the right to defend their nation from incoming rockets fired by Iranian proxy groups. She also has the right to strike back until she feels that the infrastructure of those proxy groups are sufficiently destroyed. If Canada or Mexico were attacking our country and firing 3500 rockets at us, I would insist our government would do the same. Stop giving Iran $$$ when all they do with it is fund wars against the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Israel.