IT: Biden voices support for cease-fire in Gaza-Israel violence, and... Should SCOTUS reconsider Roe v. Wade?

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  • 32

    I support Israel and their right to defend themselves against Hamas. Please use your voice and vote to do the same!

  • 25

    Women’s right to choose means fewer back alley botched pregnancies, fewer unwanted children. Palestinians are humans with a right to their homes and we need to stop acting as if that is controversial.

  • 706

    This is the most mixed bag of nonsense topics to vote on in one forum I've ever seen. Israel, go ahead and unleash your resources on the devils while idiots babble about peripheral topics so they don't have to answer adults questions. Biden is a pussy as are all of his appointees. Weak kneed punks just covering their tails and their interests 24/7. All of you mentally impaired Dimocrat voters are enabling their power grab. You are so illiterate you will probably be surprised when they kick you to the curb.

  • 44.9k

    Abbott and the state trumpublicans have now also passed a 6 week limit on abortions (no exceptions for rape or incest) here in Texas, trying to shove their religion and need to interfere in women’s personal/medical decisions, down all of our throats. Texas, it’s time to get ALL of these Old, White, Pricks out of office!! That includes my US Reps. cornyn, brady and even you cruz!

  • 7,970

    SCOTUS I have the solution to Roe v.Wade. There will never be a need for an abortion again. This plan will be cost effective, ensure all children are brought into the world wanted & properly cared for and end this controversy for good. At age eleven every male in the United States undergoes a vasectomy, a minor, reversible procedure to ensure that there will be no unwanted MEN ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR 100% OF UNWANTED PREGNANCIES! Once a male and female are both willing and emotionally, financially, educationally, and medically ready to bring forth life into this world then the male’s procedure may be temporarily reversed so that a child may be produced. Males can be monitored with an ankle bracelet during the time that their sperm is viable to ensure that only the intended female is impregnated at this time. In the event the male impregnates a female that did not go through screening, the woman would have a right to terminate the pregnancy or force the sperm donor to be fully responsible for the care & development of the child. All shame will be carried by the responsible party which is neither the mother nor the child. In addition, this male would be castrated, because of his violation of US law, so that his actions are never repeated. Don’t like my answer? Butt cheeks tighten a bit? Don’t like the government telling you how or when to have babies? Huh. Stay out of our bodies & we will do the same.

  • 7,970

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not fighting Hamas. He is committing genocide with the US backing him. Call for a ceasefire, but also put some strings on the almost $12 billion we pay them every year.

  • 276

    Who really cares anymore! This is stupid and way to much time and MONEY spent on this do not make crowds or trashing city’s law!!!

  • 2,915

    Masks vs No Masks: The CDC and the White House need to get their messaging straight. If this happened under the prior administration, the bias media would be yelling about kaos.

  • 204

    No, Women’s rights should be protected. This subject will continue to be debated, which makes Justice Breyer’s retirement a whole new waiting game. Political poison has seeped into every crevice of our system, instead of free thinkers, we have radical flag wavers. I wish we could finally scape this nonsense off the bottom of our shoe...

  • 145

    Support a woman’s right to choose

  • 458

    Time to stop supporting Israel’s genocide of Palestinians. Abortion is healthcare, not a political football.

  • 674

    Everyone it’s make phone calls, send emails and write letters time We want an independent commission to review the events of January 6th Tell your reps to stop standing on their …. and get it done now I’m so sick of all the farting around waiting for the Republicans to get on board Dems are in charge Get it done now before we lose the majority and all the criminals plan to do it again because there are no consequences What are we teaching our children? Lying, cheating, overthrowing the government, painting walls with feces, stomping on the constitution is ok ? What a sick country this is becoming

  • 666

    Larubia has got it all figured out! I love this plan.

  • 440

    That life of an unborn baby is equal to the mother under the constitution. They have rights like every human. Society should do more to protect that life by means of advancing medical technologies, making contraceptives readily available, and providing as much support to the mother and child if finances is a burden. Abortion of the unborn child is the worst human rights abuse of our time and more should be done to decrease or prevent unwanted pregnancies while valuing the life of the mother also. …that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

  • 37

    The Israelis need to stop. For them it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. They’ve put the Palestinians in an untenable position and are punishing the whole over the actions of a few. They’ve kept the Palestinians corralled and under their thumb for years. If any American were put in the Palestinians position they would be outraged and demanding their rights. Leave Roe vs Wade alone and how about actually upholding women’s legal rights to access abortion. Overturning Roe vs. Wade is not going to fix what many believe the problems in America are. This whole fixation on getting women back to being housewives and keeping immigrants out, forcing everyone to be a “Christian” and bringing back the 50’s isn’t going to make everything better. Guess what? The 50’s weren’t all that great.

  • 285

    This is really stupid. Does anybody NOT support a cease fire?

  • 2,797

    WHY IS RAUL M. On this APP allowed to post a totally spam commercial for his business?

  • 165

    Roe v Wade is an old ruling based on NO science. FOLLOW the science that the physician involved in making abortion legal changes his stance after sonograms gave the first look at the baby in a womb. Babies are viable at 22 weeks.

  • 217

    What did you expect when you give money to the terrorist that have vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the earth to start attacking Israel. Hamas has attacked first and Israel has a right to protect themselves. No money should ever be given to any terrorist group or country...ever. Israel has a right to defend itself. I blame Joe’s administration for giving money to them to buy weapons and I blame the four squad members for encouraging the attack. The squad are very un American and should be expelled from government office as they take the Nazi position on Jews... shame on them and Joe if they give into the terrorist group. I support the revisiting of Roe v Wade. The first ruling was to have abortion as few and rare and for the health for the mother, but has turned into something that is no where near what was intended by the Supreme Court ruling, into many abortion and often which as also included killing the baby after they were born alive. Hope this is revisited with more protection for the baby.

  • 1,010

    They should not reconsider.