IT: Border apprehensions remained high in April, and... Is a lottery jackpot for COVID vaccine recipients a good idea?

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  • 41

    Red China has its tentacles into Congress, the Whitehouse, the media, and most of the Federal Government. There are few institutions that can be trusted anymore. I spent a month between Nanjing and Shanghai. The air is acrid and burns your eyes. The rivers are fetid brown with human waste that cannot be processed. Red China is totally behind the "Green New Deal" for America because it will damage our economy and Red China will continue to pollute. We could eliminate all CO2 and Methane emissions and it would not have any appreciable effect on total world emissions. The difference between ignorance and stupidity is choice! We have a lot of people in America who choose to be stupid on this issue.

  • 2,797

    The third wave has already started and the border is wide open. Here are the figures since January 20th at noontime to present 116 days. Cases 8,396,634 new cases yesterday 13,828. Deaths 316,926 new deaths yesterday 222.

  • 57

    Lottery for covid vaccine not good idea. Mess at borders not Trumps fault. He was fixing it. Biden should have left it alone. (“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”)

  • 2,797

    Close the borders. Here are COVID-19 figures since January 20th at noontime until present 115 days. Cases 8,382,806 new cases yesterday 55,434. Deaths 316,704 new cases yesterday 1002.

  • 389

  • 440

    Dave I agree it’s the most challenging job in the world. But it’s been 50+ days and Harris has not visited the border and no press conference. All she’s done is a couple zoom meetings. Is it a problem or not? If not then why was she even assigned this role? It doesn’t make sense and we continue to be in the dark.

  • 440

    I quote Jen Psaki: “[Y]ou have to be prepared to juggle multiple challenges, multiple crises at one time and that’s exactly what we’re doing at this moment” Did she just say crises? Multiple??🤥🙄 Enough said.

  • 666

    So interesting how everyone has opinions and solutions on every topic myself included. Yet none of us has the slightest clue as to how complicated it is to “run” this country and I’m sure each of us would fail miserably.

  • 127

    Don’t even try to blame the border crisis on Trump. He had it almost stopped but big mouth Biden said during his campaign if he won there would be such a surge!!!!! They’ve been heading this way since. The minute he was in office prices started going up & it will get soooooo much worse but we all saw it coming & have prepared. You’ll see....... Enjoy the circus

  • 425

    THIS COUNTRY NEEDS TO STOP ENABLING STUPIDITY!!!! It’s our #1 problem!!! The Trumpturd’s and GQPigs are trying to destroy our democracy because THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW IT EVEN WORKS!!! (Neither did the moron they worship!!! ) Public schools in the US put all their eggs in Math & English because of “testing”. We let all the other subjects fall by the wayside and ruled them “unimportant”, but if anything the Dump era proves we need to teach Civics and US History MUCH MORE and TEST kids on it before they can graduate!! We are churning out mostly dopes now with the MAJORITY coming from the states that LOST the Civil War 🤦🏼‍♀️

  • 165

    The Border is Biden’s crisis! Children are being abandoned in the desert, an 11 month old baby!!!! Little boys have died, kids with Strep and Covid, something has to be done to deter these families from giving their children to coyotes!!! Go back to the Trump border policy!!!!

  • 160

    How about we do this for having a job in the last 5 years/and senior citizens that are retired? Reward the people that work for a living? They keep our country alive. Makes no sense that the government incentives shots but decentives work through socialist programs. So backwards.

  • 27

    Border problem was inherited, President Biden has barely been in office 4mos. I’m tired of him getting blame for an inherited issue made worse by the former guy and the corrupt politicians in office. Dems voted to advance good policies when “45” was in office. Once again the republicans vote no on policies that are good and beneficial to and fir America so I find their “concern “ for any policies or problems to be void of truth. In my opinion they are free loading off Americans and should be paid by fix noise, news madness and what ever the alien station OAN. Our tax dollars have paid republicans to block legislation, to corrupt elections, to lie to us, to push propaganda and to destroy our democracy lie by lie, obstruction by obstruction. Let’s just call it what it truly is CORRUPT POLITICS...looks a lot like AUTHORITARIAN Governments. Wake up folks these republican liars need a time out on their sofas or a room at Mar-a-lago Russia in Florida. The hate they spew they all should be jailed for the incitement of an insurrection and their vote against certifying a free and fair election. The cheating election happened in 2016 yet we protested but did not attempt an insurrection we voiced our concerns like an organized Democratic Country exercising our rights in a Democracy! Until we exercise our rights to have truth in government and have our government truly protect this country...we are not that far away from looking like Russia. Wake up folks. Wake up! Immigrants at the border are not as big a problem as our corrupt GOP politicians who are seated in every state, local, state and federal. The lies they tell all for personal gain and power.

  • 104

    Some things people should do just because it is the right thing to do. You shouldn’t bribe children, and you certainly shouldn’t have to bribe adults. That said, we live in a society that I don’t recognize as rational. There will always be people who do things for money,case in point, Trumps.

  • 132

    I guess it's no different than a lottery ticket. I wonder about paying someone to do what should have done anyway. And, I wonder about what will happen next devastating virus- will people hold out on vaccines waiting to get a prize for doing what they should do immediately for free?

  • 94

    Socialist propaganda. Dangle that carrot. If the shot is so effective how come fully vaccinated people are still getting COVID? Now they lie and tell people if your vaccinated you don’t need to wear a mask. Lies! They want the numbers to go up again so they can mandate the shot for all citizens. Potentially killing people and making us all lab rats. I bet you the politicians got a B12 shot and not tue vaccine. Do you really think they are going to be used as test cases for a vaccine that the corrupt CDC and FDA hasn’t fully approved? This virus was genetically modified and weoponized by China and the US is worried about labeling Trump supporters as the biggest terrorist threat in the country. Wake up.

  • 150

    Why would anyone worry about Covid??? Biden isn’t, thanks to Trump Biden was vaccinated, a good number of the wet backs streaming into the USA being Biden lifted Restrictions that were in place are carrying Covid, no worry at all to Biden as he packs people in a room When you or your neighbor get Covid brought in by a wet back, you can thank Biden, and for the lost jobs