Ohio Gov. Announces Lottery for Vaccinated Residents Offering $1 Million Jackpots, Full-Ride Scholarships as Prizes

What do you think about the Ohio lotteries for vaccinated residents?

  • 69

    This is a good/dumb idea. Good, as anything to get people to get vaccinated is great. Bad because we now live in a time where vaccinations, one of the best thing created by science is being question as to it's safety. Billions around the world have been inside, some struggling financially and mentally, millions have died, all hoping to get to this point where in American there not a supply problem but demand and people still won't get it. Just wow. Let just tie it to a small tax incentives or just make these company create their own passport like airlines, that should help as well

  • 23
    John H Jr.

    I would love vote “yes” but you have to put this into your mind and think 🤔 about it. “What would you do if you were allergic or have reactions to the injection?” I have a friend who is allergic to the injection.

  • 48.2k

    Now more states are rolling out incentives for getting vaccinated. I guess because people don't really care about being good citizens or caring about humanity, you have to appeal to base greed. Such a great lot of people.

  • 83

    Anything that gets the unreasonable to do their civic duty instead of relying on others to do it for them.

  • 214

    Whatever it takes.

  • 226

    Any action that will motivate people to do the right thing and get vaccinated is a benefit to all of us. Governor Mike Dewine deserves much credit for ingenuity in a cause that his party has systematically chosen to ignore while innocent lives are lost. Bravo!

  • 2,427

    Marylynn, I believe Ohio is putting ALL their vaccinated citizens in this lottery. I had the same thoughts as you on this.

  • 171

    where the fuck is this money coming from

  • 21

    I think this money could be used to help Ohioans in much better ways. For example, Ohioans who have lost their business from COVID. Government could consult with Dave Portnoy from Barstool Sports and the Barstool Fund to help small business. Also, helping food pantries and other social services.

  • 468

    Why not.

  • 192

    They are so desperate to inject people with poisonous vaccines that they will go to all measures to entice people to submit to this hoax. Shameful!

  • 100

    I hate it more breakthrough cases in the Yankees being minimized but it’s daily all over the world when do breakthrough cases give way to the fact ppl are still catching the varient And spreading vaccinated why inject a chemical into my body that ultimately will do nothing seeing the strain of virus the vaccine works against is not even around anymore it’s new mutated versions driving these outbreaks all over the globe it’s right there in plain sight you just gotta look outside that 3ft bubble in front of your face telling ppl to get vaccinated anyway when we know for a fact from the manufacturer that it’s less then. 50% effective against b1117 an Indian mutation is more transmissible then b117 that’s using hope as a tactic hope ain’t a tactic it’s stupidity a lot ppl trying to sell hope these days ppl need it but in this case is not smart this virus will come bk on us with vengeance when you all retirement party’s that’s what I wanna know ain’t you elected ppl ready to retire y’all look like your ready to retire so retire so we clean up the disaster you left your children thanks a lot ma n pa

  • 389

    Visit: Americasfrontlinedoctors.org

  • 389

    A lottery for a shot is as bad as the Florida Lottery is for families! This idea is a disaster!

  • 389

    When I listen and read about this and the Governor of Ohio considering doing this all to get people to get the vaccine, it comes across as a bribe. Covid is 99.7 percent curable for most people. There is no need to pay or bribe people to get this vaccine. What people need to do is be informed. Personally, the greater the coercion and push for people to get any of the Covid vaccines where none of them are FDA approved and there have already been approximately 4,000 deaths associated with the vaccines here in the States and various adverse side effects gives pause for concern. Duly noted that some people have not had problems, but with the number that has and who could be next isn’t something someone should rush into. Since the vaccines are not yet FDA approved that means everyone getting the vaccine are the test subjects. Also, I’ve heard that the death numbers are not being widely publicized and also being kept private. What happened to my body my choice all of a sudden?? And no child should be forced to get this vaccine!! There are a lot of warning flags and it is blatant that officials don’t want public to ask questions, but are pushing hard for everyone to get vaccinated. What is REALLY going on?? No, I absolutely refuse to get the vaccine!! And, I certainly don’t advocate bribing people to get the vaccine whether it’s donuts or entering a lottery for a slim chance to get a big payday!! This ‘idea’ stinks and I absolutely don’t support it!!

  • 159

    When you have to pay people to protect the health of their own community, you are teaching a very bad course in civic responsibility, accountability and duty. People who don’t want to vaccinate must be required to carry liability insurance against any financial or health harm they cause to the society or themselves.

  • 41.9k

    I like it! That’s the way to incentivize people to get vaccinated. In populous states with large numbers of unvaccinated folks, five lotteries of a million dollars each should get a large turnout and overall be more cost effective than individual cash awards. Likewise for the five full-ride scholarship to any state college including living expenses. Now, if I can only remember where it was that I put my Golden Buckeye Card. Maybe I will need a second vaccination.

  • 100

    Remember vaccination is not eradication the virus will still exist in the world so even if everyone is vaccinated it’s still possible to contact Covid the vaccine will not prevent contracting it it’s less likely but ppl are getting a bit false sense of security also the India varient doesn’t have the spike protein an is more transmissible then b1117 uk prime minister told uk the varient may derail all the progress the vaccines are making so the vaccine won’t be effective in helping your body response by identifying th spike protein the vaccine taught it how to spot if the virus mutated to remove the spike protein which India varient has done what good is the vaccine Pfizer says less then 50% effective again selling hope with misinformation that might bite you back be careful with false sense of security

  • 100

    I think this is a slick way to use people’s lack of money an there hope to get people to be obedient. Say what will about ppl who vaccinate n people who don’t but this takes away there freedom to choose that what this country was supposed to stand for ones own free choice to do as they wish but here you take away that choice because let’s be honest not one person who was not gonna get vaccinated is now getting vaccinated because they want to there doing cause your bribing them an praying in there hope an need of money I don’t think it’s right to use a hardship with a sale of hope as bait to push ppl to do it. I can say this as I am not getting the vaccination an there no amount of hope you can sell me that would change my mind my understanding of what the vaccines are. First off the misinformation coming from the government an media is a problem why Ohio is selling hope first off the vaccine Does NOT make you immune to Covid so let’s stop misleading ppl into false sense of security that could drive the next wave the vaccine does not make vaccinated ppl shed spike proteins as there is no virus in the vaccine to make that happen the vaccine does not prevent anyone from contracting Covid read the package from Pfizer it clearly says this wil not prevent you from contracting Covid but study’s suggest that when you contract Covid or if you have a better chance of not getting severe illness or death so this whole immunity thing yeah maybe it’s true that there spreading it but it I’m no way prevents the host from contracting it ppl are being mislead just be honest an you won’t have sell hope ppl are not dumb 2ndly actamide ingredient is not good for people causes invasive organ cancer in rats in much higher does but still ppl have a right to choose stop being a snake bitchs hissing spite venom at ppl free choice when it don’t align with what big brother thinks big brother is a bunch of baby boomers stuck in there ways who listen to nobody but themselves you don’t know what’s right for each person an praying on a need for money thru hope is kinda shady in my opinion it’s like exploiting a drug addict for sex it’s disgusting this is the same demon in a different mask very low prob unconstitutional in thoery if U really think about what happening here it don’t feel right my opinion

  • 117

    No. We need to continue shutting down the economy and handing out free money. That is how you get over a pandemic and rebuild. Don't forget the masks. Lots of masks. And hand sanitizer. Especially after damn near everybody has been vaccinated. Because science. Vaccine passport? That's awesome! Where's your mask? Oh, we are so sorry! BUT, you still have to wear a mask to come in here even though you are fully vaccinated. Yes, the crocheted mask your 3 year old made for you is fine, just so long as you wear it over your fully vaccinated nose and mouth.