Biden Admin & Bipartisan Lawmakers Condemn Rocket Attacks on Israel, Urge De-Escalation of Violence

Do you agree with the U.S. affirming Israel’s right to self-defense and urging de-escalation?

  • 48

    no one wants to see lopsided conflicts especially when the perpetrator deliberately places its people in jeopardy; hamas needs to be censored for its irresponsible leadership. many other areas of the world are in conflict and need attention as well

  • 21

    In light of the constant bombardment of Palestine by the Israeli military, I urge you to join the call of Sen. Ossoff for an immediate ceasefire in the middle east. The killing of unarmed civilians, women, and children has to stop immediately and I will not allow my tax dollars to support these war crimes.

  • 63

    Anyone that is against Israel is a ignorant idiot that should move to the Middle East. Hamas is a terrorist group that is based in the Gaza Strip and has been firing rockets into Israel for years. If Canada would start firing rockets into Washington DC or New York I’m guessing we would be ok with that and not defend ourselves. People need to grow the hell up do their own research and quit listening to this lying administration and overly bias media.

  • 167

    Congress needs to stop selling arms to the apartheid extremist right wing government of Israel. They showing the world their bigotry. The world needs condemn the illegal stealing of Palestinian lands and building of settlements on land that doesn’t belong to Israel. People are dying with American weapons. It’s time for sanctions. Rockets are a response to the illegal occupation of Palestinian land. The US needs to show leadership. Netanyahu is a criminal that we are protecting.

  • 35

    This ethnic cleansing must stop. Any blood shed is on our hands as we continually turn a blind eye to the untold suffering of Palestinians. We view Israel as an ally, but what kind of ally does what they do? Why give their government billionaires of dollars each yea? Money spent on buying more weapons to kill people trying to live their lives? We are complicit, and it is wrong. We must act, and not make a statement. We have the ability to lead on this issue. We have the ability to gather an international coalition that end the bloodshed. Peace is attainable if you want it. The globe wants it, the America people want it, and it’s way past time since something positive was done about it. Hold Israel accountable

  • 42

    Do US is a major contributor to Israel’s military. This contribution should be for Israel’s defense, not for its occupation of Palestine. Our contributions should be contingent on this.

  • 1,582

    This is a very complicated situation in the Middle East, we must be very, very careful in our response! Both sides are not with out sin in this ongoing tragedy!

  • 13.9k

    The people in Palestine are denied basis needs, if they put up solar panels for electricity they are removed, can’t get building permits, electricity, sewer and water hookup in their home are disconnected. Their property is stoled from them. The courts rule against them. They are prisoners and apartheid in their own country. This all done by Israel and Israel Military that say they have the right to exist? How about the Palestine’s? Israel blew up an international news organization building that is used by all networks, That journalist work out of this building from around the world. Most corrupt countries get rid of news organizations because they do not want the truth out! Granted Hamas is a problem, but so is Israel, Palestine is caught in the middle of this mess. Just like Black Lives Matter, so does Palestine’s lives matter and have a right to be treated fairly!

  • 338

    While it was Israel that started the fight with the court case, I condemn Hamas for killing civilians with its indiscriminate rocket attacks. I also condemn Israel for killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank and destroying international press buildings. The longer this conflict goes on, the less patience the world will have with Israel, and the more isolated it will become. If Hamas and Naziyahoo can be taken out of the equation and Israel returns settlement land to Palestine, peace might finally be possible.

  • 338

    While it was Israel that started the fight with the court case, I condemn Hamas for killing civilians with its indiscriminate rocket attacks. I also condemn Israel for killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank and destroying international press buildings. The longer this goes on, the less patience the world will have with Israel, and the more isolated it will become. If Hamas and Naziyahoo can be taken out of the equation and Israel returns settlement land to Palestine, peace might finally be possible.

  • 34

    Stop supporting Israeli genocide and apartheid. Stop sending my tax dollars to support Israel.

  • 192

    israHELL stole that land from the Palestianians, and has no right to exist. The evil israel has been ethnic cleansing since they stole the land. when they first came in, israeli soldiers were throwing Palestianians out of their homes so that jews from around the world who have never seen a grain of sand could literally steal that home. The US has just as much blood on its hands for supporting this, for providing military tanks and weaponry to help israel to continue the Holocaust against the native people. To this day israel treats the Palestianians like dirt. israeli soldiers alleging looking for terrorists will break into homes, defecate on the furniture and other suck disgusting acts. But that's what people without class do.

  • 42.5k

    The trump and the junior trump, Jarryd did manage to get a long-sought two state agreement for peace in the Middle East. However, the two states involved were Israel and Saudi Arabia, and not Israel and Palestine. This agreement essentially removes a large portion of Arab support for the Palestinians. It gives Israel a greater ability to subjugate Palestine and gives the Saudis a greater ability to decimate Yemen Shiites. And, it gives America and Israel a stronger position in dealing with Iranian nuclear weapon ambitions. While it settles some issues with portions of the Arab world and Israel, it leaves Palestine at the mercy of Israel with little direct support from anyone but Iran. Iran’s gift of weapons and sponsored terrorism does not help at all. Certainly, Israel has every right to defend itself from the radical Shiite terrorists sponsored by Iran. … … The issues are Iran’s interference and the lack of good faith negotiations between Palestine and Israel - and can never be settled so long as each side considers the other to be less worthy human beings ether by their lack of economic clout or by their ability to use their economic clout to dehumanize their opponents. I do not think that any true solution can be reached without forced dialog by delegations from both sides of high enough ‘rank’ to speak for their governments to work out equitable solutions based on the human rights of people in both countries; where both sides are treated equally with each giving a little and getting a little on returning to enact a UN brokered treaty to deliver on the promises made.

  • 2,427

    Brian, 👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻😊❤️ Always good ones, jimK and Leslie! ❤️😊❤️

  • 78

    OMG W A F PLAY ON WORDS if there was any!! ISRAEL FOR DECADES ....BOMBS PALESTINE/STEALS THEIR CHILDREN AKA allows only 4 HOURS OF WATER N ELECTRIC A DAY!! Sprays Palestine HOMES w THEIR RAW SEWAGE AKA SHIT w a huge spray truck!! USA GIVES ISRAEL JUST A MIN OF $3.3 BILL A YEAR of Our Tax $$$ here now u know!! Did U know that ISRAEL OWNS USA??!! Has for Past 70 dame Years!!! This is a Huge Heads up here that USA PRES JOE BIDEN IS PRO ISRAEL TO THE MAX N ANTI AMERICAN to ALL US American Citizens that are AKA ANTI-ZIONISTS as well.... SHAME PAGE FOR USA PRES JOEY BIDEN=BONDING W ISRAEL = OMG USA IS FOR SURLY DOOMED as we have been for many a year..... I Do pray for world peace but Israel will always say NO & continue on w Palestine n keep Stealing Palestine Land as well aka LAND SETTLERS .... ISRAEL = SATAN'S CHILDREN.....1000%.......GOD KNOWS ALL ...IN THE END ... HE WILL HAVE A VERY SPECIAL PLACE THEY ALL THEIR LYING/GREEDY/STEALING ....TO GO.... AKA HELL AWAITS THEM ALL :D Ha hence their Jew Star of David...6 points like Devil 666 for which I am very Pleased indeed :D ....FREE PALESTINE FROM ...IS-REAL-HELL ....PLEASE.... IN JESUS NAME AMEN.

  • 39

    Dear representatives, we cannot continue to ignore Palestinian genocide just because it’s complicated! Time to step in and call for unity. Stop violence on both sides! Imagine Peace! Yours truly, Alice Diehl

  • 59.1k

    Israel must stop attacking the Palestinian people. This is more reason that we must support regime change in Israel. Netanyahu is a hawk bent on destroying the Palestinian people at all costs, and there will never be peace as long as he's in power. We must stand for peace, democracy, and equality for all who live in Israel and the Palestinian territories.

  • 1,373

    Yes agree.

  • 5,182

    Netanyahu’s attempt to save his arse from corruption charges and inability to form a govt! No coincidence. The US must stop supporting apartheid and clear out all settlements and occupied territories so there can be a proper 2 state solution based on original borders.

  • 1,252

    American and NATO forces need to protect Israel and wipe the mosques off the Temple Mount.