Civic Register
| 5.14.21
Congress Returns as House Takes Up Debt Collection Reforms, Protections for Pregnant Workers While Senate Considers Nominees
How do you feel about this week’s congressional schedule?
What’s happening in Congress?
- Lawmakers from both chambers of Congress will return to the Capitol this week for the first week of floor business this month.
- The Senate starts its week Monday with a procedural vote on the nomination of Andrea Palm to be deputy secretary of health and human services. If it succeeds a confirmation vote will likely occur Tuesday.
- It’s also expected to consider the nomination of Cynthia Marten to be deputy secretary of education, and additional votes on nominations or legislation are possible.
- Committees will hold hearings on efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, federal cybersecurity after the SolarWinds hack, and actions to address unaccompanied minors at the Southern border.
- After a day off on Monday, the House will convene Tuesday for debate and votes on a series of bills under the fast-track suspension of the rules process, including several suicide prevention bills.
- The rest of the week will feature additional votes on suspension bills, including a bill to provide service dogs for veterans’ therapy and another bill to establish a national memorial at the site of the Pulse Nightclub shooting.
- Before the end of the week, the House is expected to vote on bills to reform debt collection practices and expand workplace protections for pregnant workers.
- Committees will hold hearings on the Capitol riot, the preparedness of Capitol police surveillance, and small business innovation.
Check below throughout the week to see the vote results and updates to the schedule.
Schedule subject to change. All times Eastern.
- No votes are expected.
Tuesday after 6:30pm (under suspension of the rules)
- H.R. 1629: Fairness in Orphan Drug Exclusivity Act Failed 250-168 (two-thirds required).
- H.R. 433: Family Support Services for Addiction Act of 2021 Vote postponed.
- H.R. 586: STANDUP Act of 2021 Vote postponed.
- H.R. 721: Mental Health Services for Students Act of 2021, as amended Vote postponed.
- H.R. 768: Block, Report, And Suspend Suspicious Shipments Act of 2021 Vote postponed.
- H.R. 1205: Improving Mental Health Access from the Emergency Department Act of 2021 Vote postponed.
- H.R. 1260: Bipartisan Solution to Cyclical Violence Act of 2021 Vote postponed.
- H.R. 1324: Effective Suicide Screening and Assessment in the Emergency Department Act of 2021 Vote postponed.
- H.R. 1475: Pursuing Equity in Mental Health Act Vote postponed.
- H.R. 1480: HERO Act Vote postponed.
- H.R. 2862: Campaign to Prevent Suicide Act Vote postponed.
- H.R. 2877: Behavioral Intervention Guidelines Act of 2021 Vote postponed.
- H.R. 2981: Suicide Prevention Lifeline Improvement Act of 2021 Vote postponed.
Wednesday after 12pm
- H.R. 1448: PAWS for Veterans Therapy Act, as amended Passed en bloc 349-79.
- H.R. 49: To designate the National Pulse Memorial located at 1912 South Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, 32806, and for other purposes Passed by voice vote.
- H.R. 958: Protecting Moms Who Served Act Passed by voice vote.
- H.R. 2955: Suicide Prevention Act Passed en bloc 349-79.
- H.R. 297: To require the Secretary of Agriculture to conduct a study on the establishment of, and the potential land that could be included in, a unit of the National Forest System in the State of Hawaii, and for other purposes Passed en bloc 349-79.
- H.R. 478: Blackwater Trading Post Land Transfer Act Passed en bloc 349-79.
- H.R. 810: To amend the National Trails System Act to direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study on the feasibility of designating the Chief Standing Bear National Historic Trail, and for other purposes Passed en bloc 349-79.
- H.R. 1688: Native American Child Protection Act Passed by voice vote.
- H.R. 2208: Ysleta del Sur Pueblo and Alabama-Coushatta Tribes of Texas Equal and Fair Opportunity Settlement Act Passed by voice vote.
- H.R. 433: Family Support Services for Addiction Act of 2021 Passed en bloc 349-79.
- H.R. 586: STANDUP Act of 2021 Passed en bloc 349-79.
- H.R. 721: Mental Health Services for Students Act of 2021, as amended Passed en bloc 349-79.
- H.R. 768: Block, Report, And Suspend Suspicious Shipments Act of 2021 Passed en bloc 349-79.
- H.R. 1205: Improving Mental Health Access from the Emergency Department Act of 2021 Passed en bloc 349-79.
- H.R. 1260: Bipartisan Solution to Cyclical Violence Act of 2021 Passed en bloc 349-79.
- H.R. 1324: Effective Suicide Screening and Assessment in the Emergency Department Act of 2021 Passed en bloc 349-79.
- H.R. 1475: Pursuing Equity in Mental Health Act Passed en bloc 349-79.
- H.R. 1480: HERO Act Passed en bloc 349-79.
- H.R. 2862: Campaign to Prevent Suicide Act Passed en bloc 349-79.
- H.R. 2981: Suicide Prevention Lifeline Improvement Act of 2021 Passed en bloc 349-79.
Thursday after 12pm
- H.R. 2547: Comprehensive Debt Collection Improvement Act Passed 215-207.
- H.R. 2877: Behavioral Intervention Guidelines Act of 2021 Passed 323-93.
Friday between 9am and 3pm
- H.R. 1065: Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Passed 315-101.
Monday after 5:30pm
- Cloture motion on the nomination of Andrea Palm to be Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services Invoked 62-35.
Tuesday after 11:30am
- Confirmation of Andrea Palm as Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services Confirmed 61-37.
- Cloture motion on the nomination of Cynthia Marten to be Deputy Secretary of Education Invoked 54-44.
- Confirmation of Cynthia Marten as Deputy Secretary of Education Confirmed 54-44.
- S.J.Res. 15: True Lender CRA Adopted 52-47.
Wednesday after 12pm
- Motion to discharge the nomination of Chiquita Brooks-LaSure to be Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Agreed to 51-48.
- Cloture motion on the nomination of Ronald Stroman to be a Governor of the U.S. Postal Service for a term expiring December 8, 2021 Invoked 68-30.
- Confirmation of Ronald Stroman as a Governor of the U.S. Postal Service for a term expiring December 8, 2021 Confirmed 69-30.
- Cloture motion on the nomination of Ronald Stroman to be reappointed as a Governor of the U.S. Postal Service for a term expiring December 8, 2028 Invoked 67-32.
- Confirmation of Ronald Stroman as a Governor of the U.S. Postal Service for a term expiring December 8, 2028 Confirmed 66-32.
- Cloture motion on the nomination of Amber McReynolds to be a Governor of the U.S. Postal Service for a term expiring December 8, 2026 Invoked 60-38.
- Confirmation of Amber McReynolds to be a Governor of the U.S. Postal Service for a term expiring December 8, 2026 Confirmed 59-38.
- Confirmation of Donet Dominic Graves, Jr. as Deputy Secretary of Commerce Confirmed 89-7.
Tell your reps how to vote on this week's bills and share your thoughts below!
— Eric Revell
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Republicans have turned american politics into a zero sum game. FOX News has been their weapon of choice. When are democrats going to learn this? The majority of republicans don't think twice about how partisan politics look. They'll cram something down a democrat's throat with a smile while lying the whole time "this is what the american people want, this what we were elected to do and we are going to do it". You saw it first hand when McConnell blocked Merrick Garland's nomination, ended the Supreme Court filibuster and rammed Amy Coney Barrett through, I'll repeat "When are democrats going to learn this"? NICE needs to go out the window. God help our democracy if the republicans ever get the house, senate and whitehouse again. It's over! If this new administration's agenda has the 50.1% support by the american people then pass it. Filibuster be damned! Mark my words the republicans will not stop until they control everything. The patriotic, moral, christian values, conservative window dressing is off the GOP.
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A few steps closer to extinction. Enjoy the ride dummies.
Off Topic ... Just 'cause' I got to..... Just a lit bit of levity!! After listening to all the crap on TV, actual watching or just in the background, I have come to so love the following two commercials sponsored by, at least here in the Houston area, the CHI St. Lukes Healthcare System (part of the Catholic Health Initiatives hospitals around the country) as part of their 'Hello humankindness' Program. Pretty sure many of you have seen these. Both are YouTube, so turn up the volume and take a minute!!! ..... .... The First is a little girl with her dog apparently in the kitchen.... .... The Second is a little boy getting to return a football ..... .... Just take a minute to watch these! Can't do anything but help your heart and health!!!! Hey Dumbass Reps., Take a look! Find out if you still have a heart!
End student debt! Ban assault rifles and demand universal background checks always! End funding for Israel’s attacks in Palestine! Get us out of forever wars!! Housing as a human right!! healthcare is a human right! Break up big tech!!!
Hey Reps. So busy bitching at you, that I would be wrong to not mention how powerful Rep. Cheney’s speech on the floor yesterday was. Too bad you didn’t stick around brady. You, my Reps., are leading our country in a direction that is going to destroy the American people’s belief in our sacred Voting processes. I’m afraid of what you may have turned loose for 2022 and 2024. 🖕🖕🖕💩🔥🔥👎.
In the spirit of 'this week', since you have failed to even mention this subject Causes ..... Hey Rep. brady, so how are you going to vote on Rep. Cheney? As the insurrectionist, seditionist leaning traitor and coward, who wants to continue the Big Lie, through your COMPLETE silence. Or maybe consider your Oath of Office to our Country and not to an old, white, bigoted, ignorant racist who represents a smaller and smaller part of this country who seem to want to go back in time and resurrect the Civil War. Unfortunately, I will probably never find out your vote, since it's anonymous. Oh, and you are also known to as a popular "Not Voting" representative if whatever legislation puts you in a quandary. You're our BIGGEST WELFARE RECIPIENT in Montgomery County. Vote FOR Cheney and end the LIE!
The republicans say they are open minded, welcome controversy, free thinking, honesty, truth, integrity and others opinions? Only if they drink the cool aid, Tote the party line, lock step and Spread Trumps big lies! Lid Cheney, Mitt Romney, Suzanne Collins and others believe in truth, honesty, integrity and speak truth. Republican base lives in the big lie because they drank Trumps cool aide and are followers of a cult. There is a place in Jonestown as sheep waiting for them. Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and Kevin McCarthy plus others have sold their souls to Trump and his big lies and are afraid, plus they violate rules, laws and regulations because of elitist attitude. They don’t stand for nothing and fall for everything. They complain about some of the internal open discussion democrats have as infighting. It is not infighting, but a democratic process of open discussion, is it messy, sometimes, but that is how you get to truth and honesty! Not bye lock stepping.
I strongly support this week’s agenda, particularly, HR 1260. Bipartisan bill on gun control.
Where are the judicial nominations? If the Senate refuses to vote on House legislation because fear of the filibuster, then they could at least start confirming Biden’s judges to our overburdened court system. Trump and Obama already had their first judges confirmed by this point!
Congress needs to face the COVID-19 numbers. Since January 20th at noontime to present here are the figures. Cases 8,192,040 née case last 3 days 53,090. Deaths 323,189 new death last 3 days 10,592. Congress needs to let Comrade dear leader Beijing Biden that he must close the border for 90 days and that camp will be set up on the Mexican side of the border. Unaccompanied children will be sent by plane back to the capital of their countries to be reunited with their families. Right now it is pretty much a catch and release no quarantined or testing. In March 2021 78,000 illegal immigrants were released into this country
Hopefully the Senate Republicans will let Biden complete filling the positions requiring confirmation before his first term in office expires. Are they trying to set yet another record for obstructionist foot-dragging? Or, is it the newfound urgency of having to deal with ‘wokeness’ and ‘cancel culture’? … … … Oh, I know - they must be awaiting approval from the Frankentrump thing which they have created, fed and empowered. At least they have finally settled on some kind of actual party leadership, as deranged as it may be.
I make up to $90 an hour working from my home. My story is that I quit working at Walmart to work online and with a little effort I easily bring in around $40/h to $86/h… Someone was good to me by sharing this link with me, so now i am hoping i could help someone else out there by sharing this link... Try it, you won't regret it
so I don't usually keep track of congressional schedules. however, I was pretty happy to see the amount of mental health/suicide prevention bills. it hurts to struggle with a condition no one can see. it really, really does. so seeing it being prioritized is so, so, SO great. also, the pregnant worker's protection act is really important. let's just hope these bills do what they are supposed to: help real people in need of this outreach.
Do your job. Confirm the cabinet posts immediately.
Time for them to do the jobs we sent them to do I’m sure the people of Kentucky did not send Moscow Mitch to stop all the good things Biden is trying to do for them Although it may explain why they are at the bottom of almost every important issue-healthcare , education , etc As I write this all I can think of is animal house “Fat, dumb and stupid is no way to go through life” If we allow this to continue we are fat, dumb and stupid
Confirm the cabinet picks already!!!
Republican wants you have babies an I’m good with that but soon as that family experience hard time they don’t want to pay to feed those babies
Jodi and Ronald, drinking the propaganda Kool-Aid much?