McConnell: I'm ‘100 Percent’ Focused on ‘Stopping’ Biden Agenda – Do You Support His Objective?

Do you support McConnell focusing "on stopping" Biden?

  • 50

    This screams "I'm running for president, so I'm getting my platform in now" motive. If you are "100% against" someone and you don't even know all of the things they are going to do because they haven't happened yet, you really are not against their policies, you are against what they stand for in your eyes. which is bad politics.

  • 21

    Abolish the filibuster to stop GOP from destroying our Democracy. Pass the Freedom to Vote Act.

  • 32

    I can't take this dude seriously, smh.

  • 83

    The Biden administratioj is signaling that they don't vakue the Decalaration of Indepenedence or the Contituion. Their Executive Actions have been job killers and increase our dependence on forign countries (e.g. gas and oil). They have signaled turning an acceptance of cHina's climate violations and human rights violantions. They seem willing to again pattner wity iran thus furthering the most destablizing force in the Middle East. They weakly talk about Isreal but fail to follow through on the previous administrations full throated support including the Abraham Treaties. Their open borders reaxation to crackdown on the flood of illegals immigration will bring missive disruption in our states' ability to deal with the drain on resources and law enforcement. They have turned a blind eye to efforts to defund and/or abolish local police departments (except to give lip service), and they are pushing the essential elements of the Green New Deal which will weaken our economy and put 10s of millions of people out of work (contrary to what has been said).

  • 83

    Good luck to you Sir in your new defeating Biden you mean you are resigning so that honorable people may replace you.

  • 83

    You should’ve thought about that months ago

  • 22

    If Republicans only objective is to stop or block an administration that was overwhelmingly voted into office, they are no longer serving their constituents. They are no longer working for the advancement of any policy. Republican elected official must represent all of the people who live in their districts.

  • 325

    For a leader of the minority party to state so openly that he shall lead his part in a reign of obstruction defies logic! Why? Because rather than work to compromise and improve the lives and circumstances of Americans he has chose to selfishly think of himself! He wants power returned to his party and himself mot for good of country but to improve his and his friends circumstances! How do I know? Well when he was in power he chose to give huge tax cuts to the Uber wealthy and wield his power to dole out bills and support like party favors many of which actually made life harder for ordinary citizens (re: not Uber wealthy) to improve their lives! The other side to this pronouncement is the Democrat law makers to focus on their agenda and worry about inclusion of Republicans since they are not doing anything put turning their party into pre authoritarian rule-that’s next phase post Trump desensitization of rule, law, honesty, ethics and integrity and fairness like the insurrection so when minority Leader says he is obstructing as Job 1 read as the undoing of Democracy as you used to know it! What happened to compromise in earnest not that insincere mockery of 2008 and 2014 pushed by Republicans who turned around and still did NOT vote for the bill. Yep we saw you then and see you now! If you think for one moment that hitching your wagon to Trumpism because your “read the room” top aide told you go all in with the “base” and push this “purity” agenda then you like your comrades better stop denouncing our adversaries because you have used their ways and means to gain and retain power so that makes you leader of hypocrisy and fundamentally flawed but if we can be truly honest as long your family and friends are living well do really care…don’t answer it will only add to litany of falsifying facts (fraudulent election; voting fraud, insurrection; over turning an election etc)!

  • 51.8k

    We see the real Mitch McConnell emerge again, after a few disingenuous remarks about bipartisanship. McConnell is only good at one thing: controlling the game by obstructing. He doesn't care about bipartisanship, he doesn't care about progress, he doesn't care about infrastructure, healthcare, education, immigration, the economy or the pandemic. He just wants to "stop" the opposition until he can get control again. McConnell and his party will never do anything to move America forward; they're just going to keep standing in the way. They must be voted out completely in 2022.

  • 35

    So.....Russia is massing troops on the border with Ukraine. Ukraine is threatening to take Crimea back by force. China is threatening Taiwan and its neighbors while also threatening our ships and Navy. N Korea is testing missiles again and restarting their nuclear weapons program. Iran has been emboldened and making more than their normal threats. Our southern border is a humanitarian disaster caused directly by this administration, and the administration that promised transparency is hiding it and not letting the media have access. Ford is closing a plant and moving it to Mexico after just bringing it back from Mexico because of the current Administration’s plan for Increased taxes. Price of steel up 145%, Lumber 126%, Wheat up 25%, Food index up 25%, Cotton 35%, Silver 38%, Copper 50%, Soybeans 71%, Oil 80%, Pipeline jobs lost. Wall construction jobs lost. 1.9 trillion in stimulus that funds the administrations pet projects and only paid a fraction to the people. 29 trillion in debt with 4.8 trillion projected 2021 deficit before the 2 trillion dollar stimulus proposed today for the new green deal. 🤦‍♂️ 9+% unemployment with millions of job openings that can’t be filled because federal unemployment assistance makes it more advantageous for people to stay home than work. All in the first 70 days. The current president is a disaster, hold on tight, the next 4 years are going to be a rough ride. All I'm saying Biden supporters aren’t posting very much about the great things he’s doing. COPIED & PASTED

  • 86

    Considering the shit show the first four months have been? Hell yes - stop Biden.

  • 27

    The Colorado birthday crime is horrific beyond anything anybody should ever experience. It is a truly horrific crime. But it is a LOCAL matter, and we have capable police, and Sherrif professionals at the city, county, and state levels to deal with those crimes. We do not need the federal government to focus on them.

  • 592

    It’s people like you what causes unrest!

  • 411

    The Republicans currently have zero ideas of their own (aside from anti-democratic authoritarianism) so their only platform is to be against anything the Democrats suggest.

  • 69

    He's consistent. I can respect that. I never thought this dude was racist, even during Obama. He's all about power and hates to lose. We need people like him on the other side. He owns who he is and the media covers for him, while Democrats try to ACT un-partisan. It's a bad joke that only helps wealthy.

  • 2,797

    Here are the daily figures for Coronavirus since January 20th at noontime to present 112 days. Cases 8,263,119 new cases yesterday 40,095. Deaths 314,635 new deaths yesterday 878.

  • 69

    Instead of saying it in the most simple way possible, I will say this: Mitch McConnell is a terrible politician who loves his position of power and legal brdes he received. How he is still member of Congress is beyond me

  • 606

    Just goes to show that McConnell and republicans do not want to work across the aisle. He destroyed our system of checks and balances, our whole structure of government. Traitor!

  • 606

    We need stop Mitch “I wanna be Mao” McConnell. He is only second to Trump for destroying America.

  • 192

    This mentally-challenged moron of a stolen election is feverishly trying to reverse all the good things President Trump did, including turning our military into a freak show.\