House Panel Holds Hearing on Atrocities Committed by China Against Uyghur Minorities

Should U.S. companies boycott China over the atrocities against Uyghurs?

  • 731

    🇺🇸 If The US is to remake the model of democracy we must consistently honor our commitment to defending human rights worldwide!

  • 303

    China was chosen to hold the winter Olympics. The people that did that are responsible. There isn’t one country that does not know what Chyna does to the people. They knew that before they chose them to hold the winter Olympics. Now try to remember these are athletes from around the world we have worked very hard. They go to the winter Olympics not for politics but for their sport. If other countries want to do anything to stop China and what they do in their country don’t do it with the Olympics. There are other ways to get it China. Stop buying the products that are made in China. Each country open your country up and make your own products. Anything that you see that says China on it don’t buy it send it back to China. In other countries you can make Your own cars. These companies that are having everything made in China because labor is so cheap yet their prices are very high. Don’t buy their products. But don’t take it out on athletes who worked very hard to be in the winter Olympics there are many other ways to hurt China. Get people in the White House and Congress , inner Senate, and in the house that are for America. To bring our jobs back in to make our own products even her own drugs, and whatever else we need we do not need to be dependent On China. The first thing Americans can do is investigate who you are voting for in every election and make sure every election is done fairly and true and right and everyone has to prove that they are an American citizen and where they live in order to vote you must give ID and who you are.

  • 304

    American companies need to consider more than the bottom line and find other countries to manufacture their good and not be OWNED by China! I check the label on everything I buy to look for the made in China label. If there is no other alternative I will consider if I really "need" it or is it a "want". We have a Biden Administration who the Chinese have in their pocket and the uselessness of not sending anyone but the athlets to the Olympics is digusting!

  • 137

    We should boycott China not only concerning the treatment of Uyghurs but also for the Christian population that are also persecuted by the CCP.

  • 65

    I am against the Chinese regime for all their human rights violations, including this one. Please vote to deny China any benefit because of such. The only reason you would not do so as if you are financially beholden and bribed by the CCP

  • 51.9k

    While I applaud the stance some companies have taken over social issues such as systemic racism and voting rights in this country, most companies are conspicuously silent about the genocide being committed by China. American companies need to stop looking after their own profits if they care about being good corporate citizens. Not only do they tiptoe around China's actions against their own people, but they also censor products, movies, and merchandise to avoid being blocked by the Chinese government. If American companies aren't comfortable defending American values around the world, then maybe they should face tax penalties. In order to make the whole world a better place, values must come before profits.

  • 592

    Just boycott China. As a closed society, a communist dictatorship, a military intimidator and a lifelong dehumanizing criminal enterprise, they should get no mercy, no quarter. Open up with solutions as a proud member of the global community, and maybe we’ll talk. Remain secretive & silent and continue to push other countries, then all blood will be on your hands. Create an environment of hate and fear and continue to push the world to the brink, and whoever is left at the end will see you in hell!

  • 192

    Why did all those American soldiers lose their lives fighting communism and then the U.S. has done everything he could to make China into a super power? Just goes to show that all the wars allegedly fighting communism was a farce.

  • 75

    Hold China accountable.

  • 304

    America and many other countries boycotted South Africa over Apartide, but China has a hold over more than just the Uyghurs because there are too many companies who are tied to China for their wealth. These companies are giving up their Humanity for profits. Americans are in love with cheap goods and are sacrificing the dignity of decency and human dignity. The Uyghurs are being eliminated, sterilized and forced into labor camps. Is this the kind of American's we want to be??? I know I don't! I buy very little from Amazon and check where it is made.

  • 54

    China is doing what Hitler did to the Jews and they also must be stopped. The Muslim Chinese have every right to practice their chosen faith. If we do not stop the Racist Chinese government God will punish us.

  • 223

    Personally, I will try to be more conscientious as a consumer and not purchase products made in China. It is difficult, because it seems just about everything has been manufactured there since Reagan became President. But, if that type of oppression was used against me and my family, I’d hope people around the world would take a stand for my freedom and human rights.

  • 380

    We should boycott China for many things as Trump had done. We’ve gotten in bed with the enemy.

  • 38

    Both parties have wanted action against China for persecuting Christians Muslims and freedom fighters... actually do something

  • 423

    World organization such as UN need to address this. It should be many countries opposing all humanitarian crimes. The USA must end its detention of minor children who illegally cross our borders expecting to find a better life. They only have to look at US citizens living in poverty, hungry & homeless, to know this is no longer the land of opportunity. The rich get richer; the poor struggle daily.

  • 43

    Boycotting China is one step towards making the US a more humanitarian nation. The companies should but we all know that for far to many of these companies put the values they state in their commercials to the side very damn fast. The government ought to enforce a boycott if it’s going to be successful.

  • 102

    Waste of time.

  • 65

    US should boycott China PERIOD!!!

  • 88

    Not like they will do anything. How about a Hearing on John Kerry’s ties to Iran??

  • 83

    Kinda ironic to think about boycotting China while Congress and numerous state legislatures try to make the BDS movement against the Israeli thug government atrocities on Palestinians a crime. No, not ironic. Hellish.