IT: Biden backs waiving patent protections for COVID vaccines, and... šŸ““ Do you support Facebook banning Trump?

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  • 42

    Trump lost. Support our republic

  • 110


  • 41.9k

    Glo: It just feels right to see you back again. Missed you buddy!

  • 2,427

    Ah, Larubia, you are on a roll. With our new, honest and intelligent A.G., I am hoping he will be in prison by 2024. No one deserves prison more. He murdered between 500 and 900,000 people with his lies about Covid. He, then, killed more with the January 6 insurrection he incited! His name, and his entire familyā€™s, should NEVER BE ALLOWED A PUBLIC FORUM FOR ANY SPEECH, EVER AGAIN. They should all just fade away into obscurity! Amen!

  • 2,427

    Absolutely, Larubia! Our tax dollars helped create these vaccines. They should be ours for free or a very small fee...

  • 2,427

    With you ALL THE WAY, jimK! Unbelievable how little backbone most of the Repugnants have. And have you read that the Dump extended his older childrenā€™s security and travel benefits for 6 months after his disgraceful departure? Yep, we still are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on his 3 older, greedy, morally-devoid brats! The Dump and his spawn should be banned from EVERY site there is! We have heard and paid enough of them and to them!

  • 2,427

    Adrienne, that was spot on! Loved it. šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ˜Šā¤ļø

  • 2,427

    I, absolutely, agree to Facebook banning Trump and all other S.O.B.ā€™s who lie or stretch the truth, in any way. Free speech, as I have stated numerous times before, is NOT a license to tell us all lies and/or mislead us - EVER! January 6, proved that!

  • 61

    Facebook should ban Trump permanently for spreading lies and inciting violence.

  • 41.9k

    Why is anyone still talking about the the worldā€™s greatest loser. Letā€™s see - some people still care what he says for reasons I cannot fathom. This is the business ā€˜wizardā€™ who has left every enterprise he has ever touched in bankruptcy or collapse. In a ten year period of prior tax filings the trump lost more money than any other individual American tax filer and was something like forth place when including publicly traded large institutions. His four year term has unnecessarily cost 590,000 American Covid deaths, revived and energized White Supremacist domestic terrorism, channeled millions of taxpayer dollars to his familyā€™s flailing businesses, exceeded all historical norms of self-serving Presidential abuses of power, aided and abetted Russiaā€™s increased influence on world politics and infiltration of NATO, and on and on. He led an attack on the very process of free and fair elections that is a foundational part of our democracy, including an armed life threatening insurrection of of our countryā€™s Capitol. How can any American support this worldā€™s biggest, lamest, total LOSER, a LOSERā€™S LOSER who does not even have the balls to admit that he had LOST an the election. ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ No-one seems to have the courage enough to stand up to this incoherent waste of human flesh and all have been content to Kick the can to someone else. It is time for the DOJ to protect the country from this narcissistic sociopathic pied piper apparently still able to draw troubled children to follow him. Some organization in government should be protecting the world from this disaster of a ā€˜leaderā€™. The Republican Senate has repeatedly shown that it is incapable of honoring its oath to protect our country or honor itā€™s constitutional duty to provide checks and balances.

  • 57

    Trump should be banned from all media, not just social. He is a traitorous criminal who sought to overthrow our government. He needs to be arrested, tried, convicted, jailed or exiled to his beloved Russia, if Putin will have him as he will no longer be of use. Accountability and punishment for all the seditionists, especially those in Congress. All should be ousted and never allowed to serve or have a public platform again.

  • 2,580

    Bicycler is it you who works with vets? I am told, from an extremely reliable source, that Walk in My Combat Boots by James Patterson would work well in group settings. What? Yes, I get it. But if the recommendation helps a former solider, I can handle a bit of eye rolling šŸ¤£.

  • 104

    He should be banned until after the 2024 presidential election and then put on probation and warned if he pushes more hate it will be permanent! Anything said on those sites that are proven falsehood have consequences! Monetary consequences!

  • 27

    Iā€™m so tired of trump and his cronies. Yes I support his permanent band from all forms of social media. He is a traitor and a national disgrace. He let us get infected and too many die. Heā€™s lied day one, heā€™s lying now. He was awful as a president and a human. Heā€™s fighting because he knows he stole 2016, intended to steal 2020. Trump only accuses others of the things he did or does himself. He has ruined careers of honest hardworking people, military, ambassadors, career employees in the highest places all for personal gain. He is a traitor and Iā€™m tired of the media and our government not calling him out for who and what he is. He is a TRAITOR TO OUR COUNTRY. HE IS A SEDITIONIST, HE IS A BLACK MAILER. He is a grifter, a con man. HE HOLDS something over the GOP and if we ever find out whatā€™s in those unreleased RNC HACKED EMAILS, we just may find the answer. Maybe itā€™s been the GOP have been cheating in a number of states to win, maybe itā€™s the fact South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham who was so quick to tell Georgia to toss out the legitimate votes have been doing that for years to hold on to his seat. Thereā€™s something stinky in the Republican Party so much they donā€™t want any truths out there. The fact that Facebook has allowed extremist parties remain on the platform as it has allowed our country to be divided with hate and lies, Facebook we thought was a good platform to reunite with loved ones around the country, friends around the world, class reunion groups, never did we think it would turn into a less secure place that would sell our information, replicate our images, hack our accounts then pretend to be us. The FCC should do a top down investigation. Donā€™t hold a hearing first, investigate first. Zuckerberg has become part of the problem you wonā€™t get the truth until you know what to ask. Zuckerberg to monopolize information and get rich. Look at the cost. Look at America. I absolutely support a LIFETIME BAN on trump from all platforms and after that you need to investigate Rupert Murdoch and his spewing and sowing disinformation and misinformation not just in America but across the globe. He came to America for a better life or to destroy it. We are not his experiment. Government protect our country and its people NOW! This dangerous game these traitors are playing is not over. Do something!

  • 7,962

    Pharmaceutical companies are NEVER going to be altruistic. Phizer & Moderna have already been paid billions, with our tax dollars. Give the vaccines away to whoever wants them.

  • 3,039

    The bigger FB issue is the powerful rt wing GQP influence on the Board that refuses to correct the algorithm that promotes rt wing misinformation. Zuck and his powerful republican employees are hardly unbiased

  • 7,962

    tRumpā€™s First Amendment rights are being violated! Really? The First Amendment does NOT protect: obscenity, fraud, child pornography, speech integral to illegal conduct, speech that incites imminent lawless action, speech that violates intellectual property law, true threats, and commercial speech such as advertising. Defamation that causes harm to reputation Outside of child pornography, tRump has publicly made statements about most categories listed above. The most egregious being the comments that led to the attack on our Capitol on January 6th...which wasnā€™t the first time he called for people to take action against their own government. Not only should he be silenced, he should be in prison! Rights come with responsibilities!!! When you are not responsible, your rights can & should be taken away!!!

  • 872

    A huge part of the American population gets all of their news through Facebook and Twitter, what better way to push the socialist agenda by silencing the other side. This is great the demoncrats are using a workaround and not violating the 1st amendment by allowing big tech to sensor the conservative voice. Trump has been out of office for 5 months and the liberal media canā€™t seem to let him go. Amazing how one person will be the focus of a group of people that find so much hatred and disdain for over half of the country. If you people believe in silencing a different point of view then you should move to another country where you will be told how to think.

  • 2,915

    Vaccine Patent: This action may have a disparate impact; more specifically, it may serve as a disincentive for innovation by companies going forward.

  • 8,471

    To Carens and other uneducated Americans. The US Constitution refers to the ā€œabridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.ā€ So what does this mean today? Generally speaking, it means that the government may not jail, fine, or impose civil liability on people or organizations based on what they say or write, except in exceptional circumstances. ... The First Amendment restrains only the government. Private companies, such as FB or Twitter, may lawfully ban those that violate their rules. Please read the Constitution! Educate yourselves!