Biden Admin Moves to Ban Menthol Cigarettes & Flavored Cigars - Do You Support the Ban?

Do you support or oppose a ban on menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars?

  • 22

    I don’t think the government has a right to say what people can smoke menthol cigarettes. I thought we lived in a democracy

  • 398

    Glo: It is so nice to see you back here. Missed your presence. Someone has to challenge the Big Lie and the blatant power grab from the far right. It might as well be us cantankerous ones who don't like the crap going on and aren't too afraid to say something about it. Let's give em hell! I quit smoking cigarettes over 30 years ago now. I never thought I would quit and that I would go to the grave with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth. It was easier for me to give up marijuana, alcohol and other drugs than it was to give up on smoking. In the early days of my time working in human services you could smoke on the hospital units, in your own office and the therapy group rooms. As time went on they made smoking in groups forbidden for staff and patients and then the units themselves became smoke free. As further time went on smoking indoors was not allowed and the final straw for me was Betty Ford Center making smoking on the grounds only for patients and the staff had to completely go off the campus to light up. They did offer smoking cessation programs for the staff and I availed myself to that and have been smoke free ever since. It took me five times to quit smoking and it has been the best thing to happen in my life as well as my ongoing commitment to sobriety. There are no positive attributes to smoking cigarettes and they should be outlawed. The tobacco companies try to get you when you are very young and they know they usually have a customer for life. They are evil.

  • 358

    YES let’s REDUCE LUNG CANCER by Removing Menthol Cigarettes and Vapes.

  • 239

    I don’t smoke, so I personally don’t care if they ban them or not, but it’s not the government’s place to do so. If the government truly cared about the health and well-being of the people, we would do as many other countries have done and ban the chemicals that go into making our food. It would stop the cancer causing chemicals that are used in fields that produce our fruits and vegetables. We would have universal healthcare. Raise the minimum wage and do something about the corporations out there who are not paying taxes, but raise rent, utilities and food costs.. people can’t afford their medication.. cigarettes are right now the least of our worries. Do something that will make a difference in people’s lives.

  • 43

    I’m not going to stand by the US government of it continues to go down this path of becoming a nanny-state. My hope was that Biden would undo many of the bans and restrictions put in place by Trump but I always knew that it wouldn’t be the case.

  • 219

    I support the ban of menthol and flavored cigarettes, especially because the companies disproportionately target the Black community. However, I don’t think that the punishment for consumers should be very extreme. Law enforcement is already notorious for severely sentencing Black and Brown people for possession of marijuana.

  • 358

    YES. Will prevent deaths in young Americans!

  • 21

    We should have choice

  • 32

    Why???? Don’t tell me it’s so young people won’t smoke. Most of them don’t like menthol anyway. You have to show an ID to buy any kind of cigarettes, so unless they buy them illegally, they can’t get them. I am so tired of our government butting their noses into our daily lives. They have much bigger problems to focus on.

  • 362

    One step closer to a smoke-free environment. As a former smoker, it was very difficult to stop. I really just wanted to be a non-smoker. I felt like an addict having to go outside in the cold or hide from my coworkers. If you don't start you don't have to try and quit.

  • 202

    My husband quit smoking after he was diagnosed with lung disease. Life has been difficult ever since then. No one should be smoking!

  • 110

    Take ALL tobacco cigarettes OFF THE MARKET!!!!

  • 60

    Why just the “flavored” ones? If you’re going to ban cigarettes and cigars, ban them all. I fail to see the point in banning some and not all. I get that the flavored one are supposed to appeal to young consumers but older consumers have been addicted to them for years. My guess is you’re going to get a lot of pushback from the users of these products anyway...the ones who have been using them for years will not be pleased.

  • 276

    The government, ler alome unelected bureaucrats, should not dictate what flavors of products adults can buy.

  • 1,271

    What a monumental waste of effort. Although Biden is one inch away from needing a drool bucket.. I am sure it will somehow cost us a Trillion dollars

  • 78

    Just raise the tobacco tax another dollar a pack. It can be a stupidly tax.

  • 7,797

    Obviously no one has watch the ads on tv about the people that smoke, Only to die day’s later.

  • 27

    Really? This is what we are paying legislators to do?

  • 21

    It's always a good idea to keep people healthy. Just like seat-belts, it's for your own good.

  • 1,479

    Ban all cigarettes. They kill people and cause unnecessary medical bills. Both my parents died of cigarette related diseases.