IT: ↩️ GOP infrastructure counteroffer, and... Should California recall Gov. Newsom?

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  • 41.9k

    The GOP counter offer is ridiculous and insulting. It is like putting a bandaid on a bullet wound and hoping that it is enough to avoid sepsis from the bullet which still remains. The GOP’s lack of response to the pandemic contributed to our country’s shameful response and the unnecessary 580,000 American Covid deaths in our country - which houses the most infectious disease medical expertise in the world. This was by far the worse response by any wealthy country in the world. Big problems require big solutions guided by knowledgeable experts who need to be listened to, and not discredited because of the inconvenient truth that the big problems are difficult and impactful in the longer term - something that the near term ROI mentality of the GOP does not care to deal with. Deny it or not, the climate crisis has started and unfolding almost exactly as predicted. It is a very big problem that can only be resolved by well planned big solutions - something that our country has always excelled at. Nickel and dime bandaids will not work and neither will disinformation campaigns nor marketing campaigns that pretend the problem is not real and coming. It is like a costal community knowing that a category 12 hurricane is slowly moving toward them and not even attempting to prepare for it’s arrival because things are not so bad on shore at the moment and it won’t reach them for a week or two. Biden’s infrastructure plan is directed toward strengthening our human infrastructure as well as just repairing bridges and patching roads. That and investment on needed research to prepare our country for future problems on the horizon. It is a comprehensive strategic investment plan to prepare our country for a difficult future which is undeniably coming. … … … The GOP has not authored any meaningful legislation in the last eight years and has focused the party’s efforts solely on discrediting the Democratic Party in the war for political dominance declared by Gingrich and currently led by the RNC and senior GOP party members who are driven by winning elections by any and all means, no matter how unethical, despicable or dishonorable their tactics may be. … … … Thanks to the unchecked abuses of the trump, the electorate has been awakened to their tactics and the Republican Party is rapidly losing moderate Republicans, Independents and corporate sponsors. Working with the GOP and hoping that there can be real bipartisan solutions is becoming more and more of a political pipe dream. It is time to reel in the Manchins within the Democratic Party and to start the process of resolving the big problems to prepare for the category 12 hurricane of the climate crisis which is getting closer and closer to wreaking havoc on the planet and to the future of human kind. We really only have one shot at addressing this problem and doing it ‘right’ the first time is an absolute imperative. Bandaids may help cover up the the immediate wounds but they cannot address the underlying causes.

  • 66

    Wrong again jimk🙄

  • 7,976

    The Bakery has a 10 year old van with 100K miles. The van has not been maintained properly in years and is starting to have problems. Democrats: we will invest $5K into the van, so that it’s safe and no longer breaks down. Dems have a complete breakdown of expenditures and the rationale for every dime spent. Oh, and they plan to have the baker, the person who profits from the investment, pay for it. Americans benefit with fresh bread. Republicans: the Democrats bill is too much and they are paying for things to make the van more fuel efficient. It runs just fine the way it is. In our plan, we allocate $500 for new tires. We will pay for it by raising taxes on the people who buy bread.

  • 440

    Newsome, Cuomo and Whitmer should be removed from office. Interesting how all 3 governors that mishandled the Covid pandemic as well as the worse deaths are all Democrats. Leave their states now...oh wait many already have! 🤣 Oh and now John Kerry doing dealings with terrorists and damaging our relations with Israel? Wow you dems are something else. By the looks of it corruption seems to run rampant on your side of the aisle.

  • 1,085

    What a pathetic plan this is. The GOP clearly are not serious about actually fixing our long-term infrastructure and are just hoping Democrats repeat the same mistake they did in 2009: Water down legislation to the point of it being ineffective, then provide 0 GOP votes for it in the end and hammer Democrats in future elections on how ineffective their legislation was! Luckily, this is 2021, not 2009, and Democrats have become wiser since then. They should move full steam ahead without GOP input on infrastructure.

  • 872

    It’s the right if the state voters to recall their governor. The republicans have given congress another idea on infrastructure spending. Since the pandemic has started the US congress has authorized over 5.3 trillion yes trillion dollars in spending. Just where has this money gone? Where is it coming from? All spending needs to stop unless we get an accountability of where the money is going. This is ridiculous! Continue to spend and buy votes, make everyone dependent upon the government. That’s the demoncrat way.

  • 33

    In typical Republican fashion, they whine and complain about a proposed solution yet bring nothing to the table.

  • 1,018

    Do something. The roads and bridges are terrible.

  • 120

    I want one person to prove climate change is real. Not news paper report but actual science. This is not proven. I believe God created the earth to provide all we need. I hear Biden want CO2 down to zero. All plant and trees would die. We would die also. We need CO2to even take Breath. This is an involuntary thing that happens when CO2 builds up in our blood, our brain tells our body to take a breath.

  • 94

    It is up to the citizens of California whether to recall their governor!! If I lived in CA I personally would not vote to recall. He should finish out his term and then the citizens of CA can judge his performance and either re-elect him or replace him!! I do not think you can make any judgment on any governor on their response to COVID-19. They were all handed an impossible situation with no playbook on the best way to manage out of such a dire situation. Each governor had to use their best judgment on how to handle the situation in their own state. Just because some of the citizenry didn’t agree on how the governor handled that situation is not sufficient reason to recall a governor!!!

  • 39

    Absolutely, Newsome should be recalled. And while we are at it, we should get rid of Cuomo, Whitmer, Murphy and any other moronic Democrat that runs their state into the ground. Also, we should not stop there with just the Governors. We should get rid of all the Democrats. Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Swalwell, AOC and the rest of the squad, Biden, Harris, etc. All the Democrats know how to do is ruin the country. And the Democrats that belong in jail like Hillary, Obama, Biden, etc. need to do their time since they’ve done the crime. Lock them all up and throw away the key. And what about that Capital Police Officer that shot Ashli Babbitt. Why isn’t he being charged and in jail? If they can lock up Chauvin they can lock up that Capital Police Officer.

  • 55

    This move to impeach Newsome is like trying to declare independence from your parents because they make you eat vegetables and go to bed at a reasonable hour

  • 94

    I fully support Biden’s infrastructure proposal. While the United States has been waging pointless wars all over the world, the rest of the world is moving forward into the 21st century. We need to catch up with the rest of the world using the 21st century definitions of infrastructure. The Republican proposal is more interested in moving us back to the 19th century!!! We need to meet the challenges of the current world not try to re-create an outdated past!!!

  • 58

    Do not recall Gov. Newsom.

  • 26

    The entire Republican Party needs to be disqualified from ever holding office again and disbanded.