What's in Senate Republicans' Infrastructure Counteroffer?

Do you support or oppose the $568 billion infrastructure package?

  • 204

    At this point it is way to little. Republicans continue to be against everything and believe lies and misinformation spewed by Fox News, Senate Republicans and Trump. If you don’t get that you cannot trust information coming from the Republican Party you are sorely part of the problem. Dig a little deeper. At least check out for yourself what is happening to the Republican Party and the truth of the reason they continually spread lies, misinformation and conspiracy theories. You have been a victim of the lies they spread just as the people who during the insurrection were brainwashed to believe the election was stolen. You cannot change the truth. You have been duped by a conman and Fox News.

  • 219

    While I’m impressed that Republican senators offered a counter bill as opposed to simply opposing the democrats’, I’m not at all impressed with the contents of this bill. It is not enough money and is no where near what we need to fix our broken infrastructure. Republicans controlled the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives for two years and only managed to pass a bill that cut taxes for the rich which shows where their true intentions lie. No republican is going to support Biden’s bills so the Democrats should just pass it through the budget reconciliation process. Joe Manchin is delusional if he thinks that republicans are going to compromise on anything, they don’t care about bipartisanship.

  • 314

    I support the smaller, more defined infrastructure bill proposed by the Republicans. The trillion dollar "infrastructure" bill proposed by President Biden is asking too much as it covers a wde range of general areas with very few specifics. Those of us who will be paying for it - which is everyone in the USA through increased prices on everything since increased taxes, costs, and wages are passed onto consumers - need to demand more accountability from our Representatives and Senators and President.

  • 110


  • 24

    The Republicans compromise? That’s a good one! Haven’t had a good laugh bigger than this!

  • 88

    And why didn’t the GOP propose anything the last 4 years? Typical GOP incompetence.

  • 196

    We've spent several trillion dollars we don't have over the last year. Our infrastructure needs work, but a TON of Biden's plan has nothing to do with infrastructure. It's a pork laden bill that shouldn't get anywhere near the president's desk. We need focused work done with the interests of America at heart, not the interests of lobbyists.

  • 124

    let me think here....one group is offering me 3 dollars and the other is offering me 1 dollar? The one dollar group are the richest MF and don't want their taxes cut, Hmm Some how it's a hollow offer, sorta like having the only black republican offer a rebuttal to the the presidents speech last night. Its meaningless and an insult to the American People!

  • 41.9k

    Way too little and way too late. Let’s look back at the Republican response to the pandemic or actually anything over the last five years. They have proposed nothing for the country except their ridiculous and extremely costly tax cuts for the wealthy with same old, always ineffective logic that these cuts would result in trickle down benefits - which still does not work and never did no matter who many times they have made this argument. They were reluctant to endorse lockdowns when they were needed the most. They offered minimal funding to get rapid Covid tests developed and distributed, despite all of the medical experts begging to get testing widely distributed. Same story for PPE. They were complicit in the negligent homicide of 587,000 Americans because they pushed re-opening the economy despite the rising death toll. The current Republican Party, the party of ‘NO’ with no alternate solutions to anything other than cutting funding when it is needed most - has done little to earn the respect that they demand for theirselves as legislators. If Manchin continues to obstruct getting the investments needed for our country, I would suggest that everyone fund whoever runs as Manchin’s opponent. All this crap about demanding bi-partisan solutions has not worked at all for over twelve years of McConnells hyper coordination of the Republican Party. … … … I fully support the Biden plan in its entirety - it comprehensively addresses multiple infrastructure needs including the needs of strengthening the foundation of our country, the people who have built it and need reinforcement to keep our country’s foundation strong. Without a strong foundation from the people, the democracy which is built upon it can only suffer. … … … There are big consequential threats coming that require long term large investments now while there are still opportunities to address them. If global warning reaches a critical threshold, which is not that far away, the global warming becomes a global self-sustaining bio-chemical reaction which cannot be slowed or stopped by virtually anything that mankind can attempt to do to stop it. Playing political games to slow or stop needed investments now for political party advantage increases the risk that we will not be able to stop or slow the accelerating rate if global warming before it severely impacts life as we know it. . … … … It is a lot like your roof developing a leak that requires $1,000 to repair and you choosing to buy buckets and gluing strips of plastic to slow the leak because it is currently cheaper to do so. Without proper repair now, the roof leak will eventually rot the wood underneath and five years from now you will be faced with an $18,000 bill to repair and replace the roof. It is much less costly in the longer term to repair the roof leak properly now rather than to focus on bandaid solutions. … … … Big changes are coming and confronting these problems now by fully strengthening and repairing all of our infrastructure, including the foundational strength of our country’s people and investing in funding to find the best repairs that can be used in scale to address the growing climate crisis are essential first steps that will only cost more the longer we wait.

  • 61

    While I'm strongly in favor of funding infrastructure I believe it is counter productive to charge electric and hydrogen vehicles. We must push towards green energy and away from oil and gas.

  • 24


  • 388

    Joe Manchin is stuck in the past, in my opinion, and hopes that the Republicans will behave as he wants them to, not how they are today. He’s also trying to keep his job representing a very Republican state. That may be the real reason he seems to object to anything that is outside the conservative box. One of the reasons our country should give serious consideration for term limits, in my opinion.

  • 468

    To small. Our state infrastructure is in shit condition because the Republicans can’t be arsed to do anything but whine. They wail “abortion” and “immigrants are evil” and “religious freedom” while our state crumbles into even more dirt. Useless irresponsible shits.

  • 159
    Michael J

    You’ve got the best health care at a reasonable cost subsidized by American taxpayers. Lots of bennies and Federal perks yet deny Middle Class Americans basic health care coverage, sick days, or bereavement days. Selfish? Meanwhile Wealthy corporations and individuals give themselves the best of everything. The country is divided into the haves and have nots because of GOP policies protecting vested interests of the Wealthy. Shame.

  • 7,962

    Joe Manchin is a corporate shill. He should be defending the infrastructure bill HIS party put forth to help Americans and build the infrastructure necessary to ensure a robust economy & leadership in the world. Joe, why not work with your Republican friends to make this bipartisan, instead of continuing to criticize your party? The Republican counter is pathetic. Do they ever drive on our roads???

  • 388

    Four among many reasons I do not support this “bipartisan” proposal that is really just submitting to the Senate Republicans to get SOMETHING done, in my opinion. 1. It’s insufficient to rebuild the infrastructure that has been neglected for years. 2. Where would the money for broadband actually go? The major suppliers like Comcast? I would like to see communities supported in developing local internet and cell service. The prices charged by the big corporations are inflated in part because there’s a monopoly and in part to make up for losses in their ridiculously priced cable tv branch. 3. The Republicans are relying on a narrow and rigid “traditional” definition of infrastructure. It’s interesting that they abandon “tradition” when it comes to the current filibuster process, civility, vetting Supreme Court justices, taxes on the wealthy and corporations (taxes on the wealthy were twice the current rate during America’s most prosperous decades following World War II, and the list goes on. 4. Why is health care not infrastructure unless one considers health care a privilege instead of a right, which makes it class-based instead of a basic obligation for a community and a government to care for citizens and a philosophical/ethical definition of human dignity or “life, liberty, and happiness” asserted in a founding document? Is it reasonable that the elderly are ignored in favor of parents and children instead of given a share of concern? Should anyone be beggared by medical necessity? The research indicates that older adults do better longer mentally and physically (which affects draw on Medicare and Medicaid funds) if they can age in their own homes, nursing homes and assisted living facilities that provide some quality of life charge $5,000 a month and up when drawing on the residents’ wealth and then drain taxpayer funding via Medicare or Medicaid. Would it not be reasonable to ease the strain on those buckets by government support for increased in-home care, with better oversight and regulation? The average home care worker makes only $12 an hour for work that can be physically taxing and at its best requires kindness and the intelligence for good judgment and skill learning - does that seem like an attractive proposition professionally?

  • 32

    Americas infratruture is crumbling our bridges our water system we must start to reconstruct in a more eco friendly way which means more jobs for everybody.

  • 21

    The Republican counter offer is a more focused and financially responsible proposal than the original bill that was offered. The original bill was too expensive and too broad. Very little of it went to actual infrastructure.

  • 472

    It actually has the infrastructure in it not like the Democrats that has everything but it in their plan.

  • 44

    Why are you punishing electric car owners? Most manufactured cars will be electric by 2030. Your plan kicks the can down the road to the wrong taxpayers.