India Overwhelmed by COVID-19 ‘Tsunami’ – Here’s How You Can Help

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  • 3,559

    A Chinese Communist Party-linked account mocked India's Covid crisis on social media. There will come - soon - a day of reckoning and accountability for China vs the rest of the world for its callous ignorance and role in propagating the virus by holding back critical early warnings. Make China pay!

  • 1,605

    Judy.......the Red Cross and Save the Children are helping in the Covid Crisis in India....if that helps.

  • 2,580

    I have spent the better part of the last week checking in on my 886, now 774, LinkedIn connections living in India. Most of these connections serve children but I have gathered a list of needs. The most common request is one we here in America might not think of; and yet, is fairly easy for us to do. It is a request for India’s government to stop its monopoly on vaccines and make foreign aid hinge on increasing India’s vaccination rates. That and multiple requests for children’s masks and other resources needed to continue caring for student’s living in boarding school environments.

  • 388

    In a pandemic, when we help other countries, we help the world of which we are a member.

  • 285

    Send them my dose of the “vaccine” because I refuse to take this garbage. One of the available “vaccines” is not a vaccine, but rather an injection of mRNA. I have no desire to have my DNA modified with an experimental “medicine.” I have never seen so many fools whipped into a frenzy with the fear that the government has peddled during this scamdemic. Thanks to being in a great position I have worked every day through this scam, while making more than ever.

  • 223

    How about we stop allowing the drug companies to keep the Patents who’s R&D was funded by the American people but yet the drug companies are making all the $ & once again putting Profits far above people

  • 666

    It’s so difficult to wrap my head around the idea that my 20 $ contribution can make any difference in a country where the health care system has totally collapsed and the prime minister apparently is a narcissistic jerk. It is also so difficult for me to understand why morons in this country refuse to get vaccinated, where we have the means to finally control this thing but idiots choose to do just the opposite. Oh yea, that liberty freedom thing.

  • 674

    My question every time I see something this heartbreaking is where are all the tax free places of worship-mega churches, Catholic Churches Temples , etc Let’s get them to help out Let’s see them send money, ministers and helping hands The mega church in Texas had to be shamed into opening its doors during a hurricane Their first job as religious individuals is to serve and care for all We as a wealthy country should help those less fortunate

  • 7,967

    Sadly ironic that the country that manufactures the most vaccines in the world is in such a crisis. I suggest after every American is vaccinated who wants to be, we send the remainder to other countries in need, like India.

  • 349

    We need a link to pay with American dollars. Also, a link that we feel safe about giving money over to them. Anything that makes it easier and safer to make donations will help people in India. For instance, I want to give to help them but I do not want my money to be taken by the wrong people. Any ideas out there on how to safely give?

  • 1,479

    This is truly a crisis for the people of India. Of course the world and the US will help. That said, those in the ground tell the tale of a wants be autocrat in the president Modi. They say he was more concerned with his election prospect than making sure the country had the supplies it needs. My husband is from India, I have visited too many times to count in our fifty years. I have witnessed first hand how the corruption serves the wealthy and cheats the common folks. This time around Modi encouraged the gathering for a Super Holiday with no regard for his people and their health. In the meantime most of the population is experiencing their second or third lock-in. Yes the world should help, but like with trump- the bad leaders should be held accountable. I get the sense from some comments that much about India is misunderstood. For those who are Christian, there are many many Christians in India. The Jesuits, Protestants, evangelicals, other Catholic orders, Baha’i, and even Jews have made India their home for centuries. Most of the best schools are run by Christian organizations. Although Hinduism dominates, India is not a savage place. There are a lot of backward things and certainly poverty, but I have always found the people gentle and hardworking. And many brilliant people have come from India. Don’t fear donating, but chose wisely.

  • 2,797

    We can help once we solve our problem that is now getting worst. Here are our COVID-19 figures just since January 20th at noontime, in 96 days. Cases 7,602,317 new cases yesterday 75,504. Deaths 304,595 new deaths yesterday 1,132. As Comrade dear leader Beijing Biden always said there’s 304,595 families sitting at the dining room table looking at that empty chair. President Trump from the beginning of the epidemic to January 20th at noontime had the following figures in one year. Cases 24,717,808 Deaths 274,761. Compare the number and in one year Comrade Biden will have cases 129,280,500 and Deaths 1,214,380. All of this in his first year in office. So with those kind of numbers looming we need to continue our own vaccines programs and even close the borders where thousands of illegal aliens are crossing the border not being quarantined or tested and released to the interior of the country. In March 2021 78,000 illegal aliens were released to the interior. Yesterday it was announced that those numbers will increase.

  • 1,814

    Since China borders them and caused this virus, China should be assisting them on all levels. Yes, we can donate after we are clear and safe. China needs to step up and help all countries in need.

  • 260

    We can’t help others until we save ourselves.

  • 264

    I helped Haiti once and the people there received nothing. I think I will handle my own giving after a lesson learned.

  • 446

    If I would give to help it would be through a Christian Charitable organization.

  • 160

    How is 352,991 a milestone?