Senate to Reverse Trump Era Methane Rule & Confirm More Biden Nominees as House Begins Two Weeks of Recess

How do you feel about this week’s congressional schedule?

  • 23
    Annie A.

    Get $196 per h from Google!. Indeed this can be best since I basically got my underlying finance check of $24413 and this was simply of one week...I am also purchased Range Rover Velar right after this is really best job I have even had and you will not for give yourself if you not check it. ↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭

  • 159
    Michael J

    Eduardo Raphael Cruz was napping during 🇺🇸President Biden’s 🇺🇸 speech dreaming of days missed on the tropical Mexico beach. We can always count on at least one of Texas’s Three Stooges to screw things up and make themselves and Texas look bad. Eduardo can count on those being used against him in his presidential campaign 😆🤣😆

  • 2,580

    For a job that costs taxpayers over 200k a year, our congressional representatives seem to be on taxpayers-funded recess more often than a class full of Kindergarteners running off a sugar high. I certainly hope legislators use this time to connect and provide visible outreach to their voters.

  • 25

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  • 612

    Gas $3 and rising. Thanks Joe.

  • 3,039

    @frank-001 thanks for the reference resources regarding congressional breaks. I think the confusion started with congressional recesses in the last 10yrs. There are ‘holiday recesses’ and working recesses. The GQP hasn’t truly governed since Obama. Where are the town hall meetings and community outreach that are suppose to happen during these breaks Where are the dedicated politicians that ran to service the people...?? These recesses actually have become vacations but from what; not like these grifters are actually contributing for the good of the people no matter where they are. Most GQP politicians view their positions as opportunities to grift, get s lifetime of perks, pension, healthcare, inside trading and raping the taxpayers

  • 8,811

    100 days and we still don’t have a full cabinet??? Come on people!!! Despite that, I applaud the first 100 days of this Biden Harris team!!! Half of the nation’s children children living in poverty will be lifted out with the tax credit!!! Better than the last administration’s tax credits for the wealthy...any day!!! I’m excited about the infrastructure plan & the 2030 greenhouse gas pollution reduction plan!

  • 788

    Let's start working for the best interest of our country together. Do the right thing and work with Biden. Let's compromise.

  • 665

    Recess is for third graders! The more work Congress needs to do, the less inclined it is to stay in Washington.

  • 27.8k

    @Dorothy, Are you speaking about your Representatives? Are they really lazy? Have you even called? Mine are quite active in both government and party. If you have certain problems, they might have helpful staff. Again, I think much of the criticism is baseless. Generated initially by those looking to make trouble. I have encountered truly useless politicians but that is not typical.

  • 27.8k

    Congressional Recess Congressional Recess seems to be a Hot Button Issue among some of the knuckledraggers. People are too damn lazy to do anything but complain and repeatedly state that the House and Senate remain in session meaning, I guess, they keep yammering at each other in front of CSPAN Cameras like a bunch of damn fools. I had been hoping that someone else would explain "Congressional Sessions" and "Recess" and "Adjournment." No such luck. So far, no one has risen to the tiny challenge. OK. First off, given the dictionary definition of "recess, " it probably wasn't the best word choice for what should be going on during a "Congressional Recess." (I learned this in high school by the way. My wife thinks my high social's social studies course were much better than hers. Perhaps.) Let me make it a little easier to frame this issue with a 3 minute read: Visit Some Highlights "Behind-the-Scenes of Congress When It Is in Recess "Breaks in the Proceedings Can Be Short or Long By [Kathy Gill]( Updated February 22, 2019 "A recess of the [U.S. Congress]( or the Senate is a temporary break in proceedings. It can be within the same day, overnight, or for a weekend or period of days. It is done instead of an adjournment, which is a more formal close of proceedings. An adjournment for more than three days requires approval by both the House and the Senate, according to the Constitution, while recesses do not have such restrictions." ... " [Representatives and Senators]( use recess periods in many ways. Often, they are hard at work during recess, studying legislation, attending meetings and hearings, meeting with interest groups, raising campaign funds, and visiting their district. They are not required to stay in Washington, DC, during a recess and may take the opportunity to return to their districts. During more prolonged recesses, they may log some actual vacation time. "Some are dissatisfied with the short work week typical of Congress, where many are only in town for three days of the week. There have been suggestions to impose a five-day workweek and give one week out of four off to visit their district." I would advocate some scheduling transparency, but it probably would not be enough seeing how Trump obscured his schedule using stock phrases. Would you rather your representative not take the time to formulate legislation? Read other legislator's proposals? What about communicating with other legislators, staff members, etc. They need to do these things and more outside of chambers during, yes, boys and girls, Recess.

  • 3,039

    Frank-001. I call, write snd petition all the time. It’s a waste in GQP. Dems do step up

  • 289

    Give President Biden a full crew to work with. It's almost May, for goodness sake.

  • 51.9k

    @Freethinker, please share with us your fully-vetted evidence that Democrats "enable human trafficking"? Do you even know the difference between human trafficking, chosen vocational sex work, child abuse, and immigration? I'm concerned about child abuse, but not about boogeymen created by the Faux News media to rile up "conservatives".

  • 83

    Out again these morons are never working. We shouldn’t be paying them at all. Wake up people and elect people who are going to do the job they were sent their to do and not be gone over half the year. They’re wasting our time and money. These lazy politicians need to be tarred and feathered and run out on a rail.

  • 6,775

    Fully staffing the political appointments in every department and agency of our sprawling federal government is boring but essential. That is something that thankfully Trump never understood. These are the people who direct and oversee and manage the civil service workers who actually do the work. Without that guidance they run on "auto-pilot". Since the disruptions/sabotage of the Trump administration, these now must be rebuilt.

  • 753

    I just heard a Republican lawmakers say something that almost made my eyes pop out! He said the Democrats are leading us down a scary path! Haven’t we just come down the scariest path in the history of this country led by the Republicans! Didn’t the Republicans actually try to overthrow the government under the direction of Donald Trump! Didn’t the Republicans let onehalf 1 million Americans die of COVID-19! Didn’t Republicans let United States infrastructure go down the toilet! Didn’t the Republicans run this country into $1 trillion of debt every year Donald Trump was in office! My god what is wrong with the republican party! They need to take a good hard look in the mirror and realize that it’s a group of a loser right wing extremists that are running their party right into the ground.

  • 1,877

    please listen to us constitutes and joe biden ideas

  • 51.9k

    I don't think the House should get another vacation, no matter what they say they're doing at home. Come on people, we're in a stay at work and pass bills.

  • 372

    All of Biden's confirmations must be completed right away. Stop the delay.