Over 40% of Americans Have Received At Least One Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine

Do you plan on getting a COVID-19 vaccine when you’re able to?

  • 69

    Already have got the second shot.

  • 81

    I got that single shot from Johnson and Johnson. The Jannsen shot I think they call it.

  • 25.7k

    @B.R. wrote: "I am not convinced that getting the vaccine is the right approach to take. Too many conflicting messages from the CDC and medical profession..." https://www.causes.com/comments/1459639 @B.R., I have been following the Pandemic since I first started reading new reports about some virus in China in late December of 2019. Until mid-March 2020, I frequently visited NYC's Chinese communities and noted an uptick in concern by February. By early March, many were wearing surgical masks in the streets (which, by the way, is standard pandemic practice.) Now Trump made light of the pandemic, and he started talking about contradictory and foolish information. Now HE might have thought the information was contradictory that HE was getting. But the CDC gave little. The specific information was _evolving_, not conflicting. Trump failed in his attempt to gaslight America that the virus was not going to hurt them as thousands started to get seriously ill and die. Mask Wearing, Social Isolation (Quarantining), Social Distancing, Hygiene are all Pandemic SOP — Standard Operating Practices. The next step is the development of vaccines. Yes, there are legitimate vaccine concerns, mainly in possible allergic reactions and other reactions as one‘s body accommodate the vaccine. I know a neighbor who had disconcerting reactions that lasted a few days. If you are genuinely concerned, speak to your doctor(s). Having health issues myself, I spoke with three different doctors. Do not get your health advice from Facebook posts, or cable news, or conspiracy theorists. Perhaps, it would have been better to have gotten the vaccine directly from one‘s Primary Care Doctor, who has your file and could address any issues. But the mass sites seem well run. Your doctor is a phone call away and should be current on any possible reactions. So, B.R., it was Trump and his band of lying misfits delivering contradictory information. Drs Bird and Redford were cowards in allowing Trump‘s misinformation to go unchecked. Saying the CDC gave contradictory information has no merit.

  • 68

    If you told me I could take off the mask and burn it. Sure I would be willingness to have a pharmacist with a high powered gas rifle shoot me with the vaccine from the bushes if I knew I was done with the mask. Fauci says we still need it and vaccine isn’t THAT effective. Well then it’s a no from me. If you told me I had a chance for the blood clot one to die from it I would risk it if I knew I would be done with the masks. I’m done with it, they’re not cutesy accessories they’re dumb and I want them gone and refuse to get the vaccine until I know they’re gone.

  • 207

    I’m young and healthy there is no reason for me to get a vaccine that is only being administered under emergency use authorization. Especially for a virus with a 99+% survival rate for those under 70.

  • 192

    I am flabbergasted at how gullible the American population is. The wonder why the U.S. is not even in the top 10 for highest IQs in the world. And the dangerous vaccines will work to lower the IQ even further. https://vernoncoleman.org/articles/how-many-people-are-vaccines-killing

  • 77


  • 24

    I respond poorly to medicine and therefore think it is a bad idea for me to take this...hope I will still have my freedoms and job.

  • 741

    I did get my vaccinations a month ago and I am all for staunch Republicans not getting theirs! Let’s wipe the gene pool clean of stupid by starting with them.

  • 182

    I already have both shots and couldn't be happier. Our family (small group) is all vaccinated and 14 days after everyone's 2nd dose we all got together at our house for a maskless meal and hugs! I was joyous! I can not recommend it highly enough!! Please get your vaccination, if not for you, then for the rest of us because unvaccinated people help create mutations of the virus that can eventually lead to strains of the virus that can break through the vaccine. Without the hosts (because of vaccinations) the virus cannot create new strains and mutations.

  • 159

    Getting vaccinated when possible is a social responsibility that saves lives and allows opening of our economy.

  • 21

    This was the least studied (trials) of anything on the market in the USA. Big Pharma was granted complete immunity against lawsuits from deaths & damages. What does that tell you? In 5 years, there will be no class action lawsuits against the mfg. 😳😳😳 You know like asbestos, talc powder, round-up, etc, etc, etc!

  • 21

    I know so many people that have had adverse reactions to the shots & have not reported them to VAERS. It’s a shame that it’s even being called a vaccine, when it actually experimental gene therapy. People are not doing proper research prior to the injection.The media can no longer be trusted to give truthful information. Check out the information that Project Veritas uncovered about CNN. We should have been told to exercise and make sure we have adequate Vitamin D levels. Instead gyms were closed and we were told to stay indoors. Ivermectin and other medications have been proven to work. Big Tech now labels credible Doctors as spreading disinformation or as conspiracy theorists. Our children have over a 99% chance of removing from Covid and should not be vaccinated. Did you see the millions of people marching in London over the weekend? Marching for freedom! Vaccine passports are discriminatory and should not even be considered. We are moving in the wrong direction at a very fast clip.

  • 35

    Experimental, mRNA vaccines with life threatening/life ending side effects aren’t my thing — especially when the manufacturers aren’t liable.

  • 21

    The amount of stupid from both parties is legit saddening. Hey tinhat folks, the government doesn't need to inject you with something to track you, it's much easier to do so with that thing you're holding in your hand. I'm so happy that in the last year, this country has produced so many Doctors of medicine, such vast insight on side effects and how vaccines work. Because, you're right, let's throw all the work done in the medical field out the window and suddenly we are smart enough to figure out for ourselves what's best? Our elections have proven time in and time out, no, we're not that smart. 2nd shot in last Monday, just watching the show, because we're gonna be right back here this time next year due to all the new doctors. Wtf guys, get the shots, it's not like it will make your truck get any smaller.

  • 304

    Fully vaccinated! Yet those of us who are still have to wear a mask! Unbelievable we are still wearing face diapers!

  • 240

    Can’t reach heard immunity in Red Hat Hell if 49 % of Republican men refuse the vaccine. You’re capable of selling the BIG LIE, give truth a shot and do something for the struggling businesses of Texas. From local Facebook reviews, the people that TIP the best appear to be the PEOPLE that get vaccinated and wears masks. They aren’t returning because of the other ones. Go figure.

  • 245

    Already have had both doses of the Pfizer variety and no problem with side effects. Would recommend.

  • 44

    I hope I die from covid, because the Democrats are destroying this Country a little each day anyway 🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁

  • 767

    This 66 year old nurse is fully vaccinated. I encourage everyone to be vacinnated.