Biden FDA Lifts Abortion-Pill Restriction Amid Pandemic - Do You Support the Policy?

Do you support or oppose lifting abortion-pill restrictions during COVID-19?

  • 56

    Personally I don’t know what I would do. However, every woman should have a choice and no one else can make it for her. It should be a private thing not political. It’s easy for men to say this or that. They don’t have to stay in a child’s life. They just walk away. It’s not easy to raise a child if you have no financial support. I raised 3 sons to be good men. I had family but it was a struggle..

  • 280

    Safe abortion should always be available to everyone in all forms.

  • 214

    This here's to get permanent. Disability and poverty are always barriers to address care. This dare needs to be available to everyone who requires this care in the US.

  • 28

    We need to demand better, safer, more effective, long term birth control options for women, and as look at birth control options for men as well! If big pharma can come up with COVID 19 vaccines they can surely improve women's quality of life and end the controversy brought on by Roe vs. Wade.

  • 40

    I support the right to choose. I also support ease of access to their right to choose. The government should stop roadblocks to access.

  • 171

    What a woman chooses to do with her body is no concern of any government body. We’ve seen how state governments have interfered with pandemic measures. Same thing with women’s reproductive health. They know nothing of it and have demonstrated time and time again that they are beyond ignorant (and that is being charitable) of the physical and psychological challenges women experience because they are different from men. Black Lives Matter and so do female rights.

  • 430

    The government has tried to control women’s health for to long, it’s time the women make their own decisions

  • 202

    This should be permanent as it is not a dangerous drug. The only reason certain people want to regulate this is because they want to control women.

  • 306

    My body. My decision.

  • 620

    Government must not interfere in a woman’s intimate, personal life. Abortion is a medical procedure that must include a woman and her doctor ONLY !!!!!

  • 306

    although it is a medication in the cases of pregnancy time is of the essence & it is entirely reasonable that a complete patient history can be taken over the phone &/or by online questionnaire & if properly reviewed by the doctor, nurse or nurse practitioner the script written & safely dispensed

  • 306

    I support the lifting of any imposed restrictions on my agency as a free, legal of age woman citizen, period!

  • 41.9k

    I support doctor prescribed medication whether it is prescribed in-person or NOT - which is the crux of this question. Since professional medical studies have not shown any significant women’s health risks posed by the use of this subject abortion pill medication - at least nothing more significant then that of any other prescription medication which can be prescribed by doctors without a requirement for an in-office in-person prescription. Since this was the official predication for the original restriction that these medications only be prescribed by doctors in person - clearly this restriction should be removed. The issue here is not whether or not you agree with this form of abortion or abortion at all. That is a separate issue altogether.

  • 694

    Why the rush to kill more babies before they are born? These drugs also can cause serious health issues to the women taking them. A Doctors care should definitely be mandatory for the administering of these drugs.

  • 22

    This is terrific. The pill is rarely harmful. Requiring a woman to physically go to a doctor for this is ridiculous.

  • 66

    every couple should have a say over the life they created together and the lives they choose to lead. happy homes are made from happy relationships not those brought together by obligation

  • 1,290

    Because of the pandemic births are low. More women had to either resigned or were fired because they had children to take care of. Raising children is a challenge that everyone is not equipped to handle. I not really for abortion but for people to be more responsible. We need to stop telling or forcing people to be parents and mine our business. Or we need to do a better job with supports and resources for parents.

  • 178

    It isn’t the business of old white/grey haired men in Congress. They are not the one that gets pregnant and it is none of their business.

  • 150

    It’s clear where Biden stands, and he calls himself a Catholic Christian.

  • 75

    Federal Government should not be paying for abortion.