Daunte Wright Shooting: Officer Kim Potter To Be Charged Over Killing

Do you support or oppose the charge?

  • 65

    This article does not specify as to why the office had to pull her weapon on the individual. I support in protecting yourself. If the person in the car reacted in a manner for the officer to also react then I believe the officer is justified.

  • 102

    She needs to be charged with more than manslaughter, that was straight up murder. OVER EXPIRED TABS!! How could she be a police officer who is also a training officer and be so volatile. Watching the video she sounded irate and out of control. She also had his registration in her left hand. Why did she not just let him drive away and follow him to his home, or mail him a ticket. The behavior was very extreme compared to the violation.

  • 32

    How can u mistakin a taser as a gun. U where trained to know which side is the taser and which side was the gun. It's stupid

  • 192

    Because of all the rioting, looting. destruction and attacks on law enforcement being done in this country, I will never support the punishment of any police officer. All the uncivilized activity led by BLM/ANTIFA has increased racism across the country and lowered any sympathy for the black population completely.. In addition I will boycott any corporation or entity that donates or supports BLM. The White population has been taken for granted long enough.

  • 55

    As she should. She killed an innocent man.she deserves to pay.

  • 306

    Although I don't think this officer intended to kill the victim, I do have some thoughts: 26 years on the force, yet, no real experience with serious criminals. She panicked. She trained rookies how to shoot, yet, did not remember any of her training. She is a racist and purposely chose to enforce a ridiculous law against a member of the BLM population to make a point. Would she have chosen to enforce this law with a white person? She could have given the victim a ticket for such a minor infraction. Instead, she chose to escalate rather than diffuse the situation. Does this cop have an authoritarian personality and a fragile ego? Why enforce a law regarding such a minor infraction?

  • 210

    She didnt get charged enough should be first degree atleast

  • 48.0k

    Potter should be charged with murder and face a jury of peers to determine whether it was an accident or not. Anything less would be unjust. Police in Minnesota are clearly out of control: gassing peaceful protesters, intimidating journalists, and defying court orders. I hope the governor and Attorney General act quickly to reign in police and allow peaceful protest.

  • 602

    "A white police officer who shot dead a Black motorist in Minnesota". Why is black capitalized and white not? Causes seems to be part of the dividers.

  • 66

    I don't believe that she had any malicious intent in her heart, i believe that in this particular case she is being made a patsy for the BLM crusade on police.

  • 159
    Michael J

    Too many police related shootings and killings. Too many Mass Murders. Too many gun accidents involving children. Too many weapons in the hands of too many unqualified people - 400 MILLION Deadly Weapons in a population of less than 350 Million. Sick.

  • 276

    We need to EDUCATE THE PUBLIC ON POLICE STOPS! “COMPLY” Most cases would be just a ticket simple. To get a driver License you must agree to COMPLY or lose your License. That would work. MRGO

  • 41.9k

    The officer’s actions and exclamations recorded on her body surely seems to indicate a case of negligent homicide or manslaughter. A distracted driver who kills a pedestrian because they were not paying attention would be charged with negligent homicide or manslaughter as a criminal charge. Certainly, those authorized to deploy deadly force must be careful and easily able to not confuse a service revolver with the brightly painted handle on a taser which, by their department’s training is always on the side of their non-dominant arm. If they are negligent in properly using the force that they are authorized to use, it is a case of negligent homicide. I do not know the specific legal definitions used by Minnesota to describe manslaughter or negligent homicide but do know that these are essentially the same charges in many states. A charge of negligent homicide seems warranted and if that is considered to be legally equivalent to manslaughter in Minnesota, these charges are justified even though the killing was an unintentional mistake. … … … A broader societal question is why do police seem always ready to threaten the use of deadly force for even the most minor of engagements like a potential traffic violation? The excessive threat of deadly force in situations where such threats are not warranted can only lead to the occasional accidental misuse of that force, and that can neither be accepted nor acceptable.

  • 37

    With the Democratic Party controlling every level of government we can no longer hide behind the false allusion of an opposing party, white supremacy, socialist, Marxist or any other political persuasion. President Biden must sign an executive order to prosecute any law enforcement officers that murder, brutalize or falsely accuse Black and indigenous people, period. Which will highlight them as a protected class. History confirms that there have been TWO ethnicities that had to endure GENOCIDE in this country it’s time for the repair. No excuses! As a life long Dem I am looking forward to the next 3+ years to peel my vote away from the Democratic Party. And no I will not change my party registration. If just 20% of the black vote peel off, you know what that means. Keep tap dancing if you want. We see you!

  • 1,299

    The police officer should have known the difference between gun and tasers. She does trained officers.

  • 21

    If she was black and the person she shoot was white all we would of heard about was an officer was on leave due to an officer involved shooting!

  • 178

    She flat murdered the young man.

  • 1,221

    Causes creates propaganda by asking the wrong question, and omitting the maybe option. The officer should be charged, but not this severe. The criminal had a open warrant. He resisted. Congress must inform all Americans to comply with law enforcement.

  • 1,124

    Police officers must stop killing black people. Their immunity must end.

  • 38

    The officer mistook her service weapon for her taser? Come on! I don’t believe it.