Blinken Warns China Using Military Force Against Taiwan Would Be ‘Serious Mistake’

Do you support or oppose the U.S. commitment to enhance Taiwan’s ability to defend itself?

  • 106


  • 159
    Michael J

    President Biden and the Democratic Party have taken a firm yet measured response to not only China but Russia whereas the slobbering GOP under the heel of Fascist Herr Trump was a complete failure in international affairs. Fascist Herr Trump’s Fake News Biden would accommodate China turned out the same way he falsely stated the Stock Market would crash when he left office. Sadly the Texas Three Stooges remains under the thumb of their god-man Donald. Sad.

  • 66

    China is our greatest enemy worse than the Russians. we must empower taiwan to take all of mainland china

  • 52

    If we let China gobble up the world in terms of territory as well as commerce we certainly will be a second class nation. It is almost impossible now to buy something that isn't made in China. Stop China now or be a vassal state tomorrow.

  • 51

    Recognize Taiwan’s sovereignty and while we’re at it, Free Hong Kong. To hell with China’s anti religious genocide and to hell with their social credit system. They’re fascist abuses of their people need to be dealt with on a global scale.

  • 85

    Diplomacy please. Don’t bow to China but hold them accountable, and defend fellow democratic ally’s from oppressors. We should do whatever we can to help while being sensitive and cautious of the threat of war.

  • 44

    I honestly do now how we can stop China but we must try this move by China will destroy years of democratic rule by the people of Tiwan and sooner or later we will have to face China as a threat to the entire free world because they are like every empire over the years expanding there control every day.

  • 216

    It might be already too late!

  • 1,221

    Causes perverts data in omitting the may be option. USAQ must. support Taiwan, but We Must not trust the biden false administration.

  • 226

    The Chinese have made good use of the time and resources we wasted in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are now threatening our dominance in the Pacific and the well being of our allies. It is time to resume our position as leader of the Free World.

  • 1,020

    China needs to be accountable for any adverse action it may take against any other countries. US needs to help out its allies, not completely abandon them. That does not mean we should be fighting wars.

  • 43

    Absolutely! China’s obstruction of our ally’s sovereignty should not be tolerated!

  • 21

    Dear Members of the U.S. House of Reprentatives and the Senate, I am Vietnamese-American and - like many who have fled to the U.S. after the U.S. cut and run from Vietnam, I know too well VN's cost, pain, and suffering for believing in the U.S. commitments - whether legal or moral For almost 10 years (mostly under Pres. Obama's 2 terms) the U.S. has turned a blind eye to China militarization claiming 90% of the South China Sea. Now Is the U.S. is really going to honor her commitments to the Philippines and Taiwan under president Biden?

  • 216

    With China we are close to a point of no return. They are empowered and feel they can call the shots. Are we willing to surrender ?

  • 1,161

    China is fast becoming a super power, and is doing what Russia did in the past. They are trying to bring more independent countries under their rule. I'm proud to see the U.S. once again stand against a country that is working to eliminate all Muslims from its country, and take over other free countries in Asia. The problem with Communism is their desire to eliminate all religions in their Country. We must do all we can to stop China as we worked to stop Russia in the past.

  • 48

    Taiwan merits US support and protection from Chinese aggression.

  • 41.9k

    Under the trump both Russia and China have greatly expanded their military capabilities and have made significant investments in military hardware and bases surrounding territories that they want to lay claim to. China has been steadily fortifying contested islands in the South China seas including dredging out ports, building landing strips and installing defensive weaponry. They have also invested heavily in Naval capabilities including aircraft carriers, destroyer-like vessels and submersibles. Russia has massed an estimated 50,000 troops along the Ukrainian border. They have built numerous military bases surrounding the Arctic sea (I presume to safeguard mining interests for oil and mineral resources which will be accessible once the Arctic ice pack melts due to the changing climate that most Republicans still do not acknowledge is real). … … … This expansionism of these two countries has been made more difficult to monitor since the trump, without neither prior notice nor any explanation, summarily ordered two highly instrumented aircraft authorized by treaty randomly surveil any SALT country - to each be taken out of service and completely dismantled. The Treaty allows any SALT member to, on short notice, fly unarmed surveillance aircraft over member countries so long as any surveillance data was made available to all SALT Countries. The trump’s actions destroyed our capability for legal up-close surveillance with much more information than is possible with satellite imagery alone. Much of the Russian military expansion ramped up after these surveillance planes were destroyed. … … … We have alliances with Taiwan and it is important that China realizes that our country will honor our commitments to support our allies; and that we are concerned about Chinas expansionism in the China Sea. Further, we need to renew our participation in the South China Sea alliances which the trump also abandoned. … … … Both the Russian and Chinese air forces have been testing American resolve by buzzing our air and sea resources in International territories and waters and a strong diplomatic warning and diplomatic actions would seem the best course of action before some avoidable and serious close-encounter accident occurs.

  • 21

    Taiwan is free and democratic. We also have good trade relations. Do not let Taiwan become another Hong Kong where an Agreement was broken and is now becoming oppresive.

  • 706

    This is not going to end well, especially for Taiwan as China has been advancing an anti-American campaign since before POTUS Trump. Their mission is to be the world superpower and they have been aggressively investing money in the U.S. be it in Bonds, agricultural land, food processing facilities, small businesses, and even schools. Biden is a paper tiger just as Barry POFA with the latter making concerted efforts to defund the military while also encouraging retirement of generals so he could replace them with wimps like himself. Biden's appointments of female combat generals is just lip service to lefty-progressive agendas and demonstrates just how removed from reality illegit Joe is. While I am all-in on women serving in the military I just do not believe that they are interested in combat. If that's the narrative being advanced though, we need to start requiring 18 year old girls to register for the selective service immediately. Just as 18 year old boys are already required to do so. As it relates to China's aggression toward Taiwan there's really nothing we're going to be able to do. Trump wasn't given enough time to undo the damage to the military caused by Obama. We cannot physically defend Taiwan unless you want to give illegit Joe the nuclear option. And I'm not talking about those punks in Congress' idea of "nuclear option". China's mission is clear to me and they continue to find ways to distract Americans while they covertly march toward their goal.

  • 159

    China shouldn’t be allowed to force other countries to lose their sovereignty.