IT: Biden's orders to curb gun violence 'epidemic,' and... 🏭 How do you feel about the state of the job market?

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  • 3,959

    I really don’t understand the big fear for the need to carry a weapon. Do you really have that many murders in the open public to carry. I understand the fear of home break in, but even how many in your neighborhood? I spent eight years in the military and two years of that was in Vietnam. Sure I carried my weapon when in the field. But kept it secured when in the hooch. You would think hand guns would be a necessity in areas of gangs, but they aren’t. Are we that afraid of each other we actually have to carry? I do not carry a weapon and have not. Yes I have a shotgun in my closet with two rounds up high out of site, just in case. But I will not go outside my home looking, but get right with God if you exceed the entry point of my home, yes I will dial 911, hopefully first. Fear of our neighbors is bigger than reality.

  • 59

    We have more than enough gun control as it is. It is already illegal to use one in a crime. Enforcement is needed.

  • 872

    Guns, the only thing he wants to do is to appeal to his base and take the guns out of the hands of legal gun owners. This is a slippery slope, read about what happened on the 19th of April 1775 and why the British were going to Concord and Lexington. Job market is in turmoil. The surge of illegal aliens across the border will do more harm to our job market. The more people in the job market lowers the amount of pay for the position. It’s simple supply and demand.

  • 2,580

    Time to start rolling back Trump’s deregulation starting with: 1. Ban on the pesticide chlorpyrifos Reversal of a ban on a widely-used pesticide, Chlorpyrifos, which may pose health risks. 2. Mercury and Air Toxic Standards: Revised Cost-Benefit Analysis A rule revising the statutory authority of Mercury and Air Toxic Standards. 3.Steam Electric Power Plant Pollution rule A rule regulating the amount of toxic pollutants discharged by steam electric power plants. 4. Coal combustion residuals 🧩Addressed in Biden’s infrastructure plan- offset by the funding 16 billion and creation of the “Civilian Climate Corps.” A rule allowing alternate liners for coal combustion residual (CCR) facilities. 5. Coal Ash Rule 🧩 Done, new legislation was proposed by Cohen a day before Manchin latest trantrum. A rule regulating the disposal of toxic coal combustion residuals, or coal ash. 6. Emission Limits for New Coal Power Plants A rule relaxing greenhouse gas emission standards on new coal-fired power plants. 7. Clean Power Plan A rule relaxing greenhouse gas emission standards on new coal-fired power plants.

  • 7,920

    Guns? We NEED common sense gun control laws (see my previous comments). “Feel” about jobs? I feel we need more & all paying enough so that every person working 40 hours/week isn’t living in poverty. I would rather comment about the “rising star” in the Republican party, Matt Gaetz, Causes.

  • 2,580

    The political path forward seems pretty damn clear. Vote Blue, focus on primaries, do not, I repeat DO NOT vote red. Republicans vote as a single block. It does NOT matter what one republicans says. At the end of the day, all Republicans will vote for what their minority leader dictates. A red congressional vote is a vote for either Mitch McConnell or Kevin McCarthy’s political agenda, there is no middle ground (accepting this fact is key to moving this country forward). Increase awareness around those Democrats who purposefully vote use their congressional vote to vote for more elitism and shareholders focused capitalism. Especially, those Democrats who block the will of the independent majority, including those Democrats who seek to single handedly circumvent the will of a president who over 83 million Americans voted for and the agenda the majority of Americans support still support.

  • 2,915

    Gun Control: If Biden wants any credibility on this subject matter, he needs to get his facts straight. Either he is intentionally lying or is being fed false information, which is making him look stupid.

  • 666

    Interesting that this question is bringing forth all the right wing nut jobs.

  • 440

    Now there’s reports of sexual abuse in the holding facilities of these unaccompanied minors, ranchers are reporting increased traffic through their property and coming across dead bodies, children are being abandoned by their smugglers and so on. It’s now 17 days of no VP Harris but she got her newly renovated home while children are sleeping on the floor, starving and being abused. Ridiculous!

  • 160

    Unarmed black men shot by police in 2019 —> 9 Unarmed white men shot by police in 2019 —> 24 BLM, CNN, are lying to you. Blacks are NOT disproportionally targeted by police. Just another excuse to blame gun deaths on anyone or anything except the shooter himself.

  • 440

    Dave: Extremists are a problem but they are not the main problem. Majority of gun violence occurs in democratic run cities in minority populations. This is where the national conversation needs to shift to. CNN finally reported this last Saturday. And yesterday there were two mass shootings where there’s no motive identified but both seem to be related to concerns of the shooters mental state. There are also already 22,000+ gun laws. They need to be enforced or we really need to determine the root cause not just do more gun control or risking citizen’s rights. Republicans are just as frustrated as Democrats with people dying to guns we just want it to be focused on the root causes rather than creating more gun laws because criminals will not follow them anyways. We need to get outside our echo chambers and start talking to one another. That’s why I like causes so I hear both sides. Thoughts?

  • 388

    Off topic. Again. The 2020 election is the first in which I heard about a party deliberately entering a false candidate to siphon off votes from the legitimate candidate of the opposing party. Apparently, it’s not the first election in which this occurred. In Florida’s 2020 race, it was successful in putting a Republican in Congress instead of returning the Democrat incumbent. The following report suggests that this practice is becoming another dirty trick in a party’s election playbook. I think this is appalling and a fraud committed against voters. I think the action itself should be illegal, not just paying someone to lend their face and/or name to this dishonest and unethical activity. Perhaps, as part of making it illegal, the person lending themselves to this activity should be faced with criminal fraud charges. “Federal investigators were told that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) discussed running a sham candidate in the 2020 state Senate race with a lobbyist, two people familiar with the matter told The New York Times. The Times reported that the Florida Republican discussed the possibility of running a sham candidate with lobbyist Christ Dorworth to help Jason Brodeur, an associate of Gaetz's, win an open seat in the Florida state Senate. A third-party candidate named Jestine Iannotti was on the ballot in that election, according to the Times. The candidate did not raise much money for her bid and did little campaigning, according to the paper. Fliers sent to voters depicted her as a Democrat, though she had no party affiliation. One flier portrayed a Black woman and said "Jestine Iannotti will always be there for us." The Times pointed out that the real Iannotti is white. The newspaper notes that while it is not illegal to recruit a third-party candidate to run for office to draw votes away from another candidate, it is illegal to pay "ghost" candidates to run in this way.”

  • 321

    Need to use the existing gun laws and follow the second amendment to the letter.. already have background checks from local , state and as

  • 1,814

    With all these illegals the liberal socialists have let in our country I am very concerned about our job market, our economy and more COVID-19. Thanks to Biden for telling everyone to come here and banning the completion of the Wall. America is in trouble and We taxpayers have to pay for all these illegal migrants coming here. America is broke and Biden is making it worse. We have a homeless crisis that needs attention. Build the Wall and deport.

  • 2,797

    Maybe he can start in Chicago NYC Oakland Portland Seattle and Detroit.

  • 41

    I did comment yesterday but in regards to ghost guns specifically I need to make a statement. I will condense it as best I can. It is possible that unknowingly, or otherwise Americans are aiding and abetting mentally unwell people in their efforts to purchase these components, that are then used, in these horrific acts, of mental anguish and duress. While making these weapons, some may be well enough to request the use of a friends address to ship to, stating $ or pickup as reason for the need. And because the person seems mentally sound you are not even imagining part of gun is the thing that is coming. Also not knowing that this person is severely depressed, because they are going to great lengths to disguise it. Plus this is all legal so even if you had an sense it wasn’t right your mind may argue. Because of the surface it almost doesn’t make sense.

  • 7,786

    Trump frequently accuses the far-left of inciting violence, yet right-wing extremists have killed 329 victims in the last 25 years, while antifa members haven't killed any, according to a new study By James Pasley news reporter Like I have said the wackos are the problem, they infringe on the rights of others. If the gun groups would self regulate, this would be a problem, but self regulation has never worked! Also the wackos don’t want to help solve the problem because they are the problem!

  • 198

    I’m ok with both. I am not ok with parents abandoning their babies and very young children. That is the one thing that has to STOP! Children are going to either die on the trail here or in overcrowded camps. You may have to be cruel, by turning them away, to be kind. That is the only way this will end. Setup a post on the So American side of Mexico and man it with the military.

  • 77

    I don’t care how much legislation and exutive orders President Biden try’s to control the gun violence there is many that operate outside of the law you might want to get a grip on these folks then see where things stand until he does that he is just spinning his wheels ! he needs to think about organized crime and until he does that he is just spinning his wheels and giving him and the goverment the finger he needs to find the root of the problem and start there this has been a stone around many past presidents. it time to finish what we have begun 👍 🇺🇸

  • 46

    Regardless how much Biden lies, his executive orders DO delay, circumvent, abridge, and/or damage 2nd Amendment Rights. No elected official can alter the Constitution by any action. To get around that radical liberals have been constantly chipping away of our rights since the 1930s. Nearly everyone of them have been abridged in some fashion. This has to be stopped now. Law-abiding citizen are punished every time a criminal or mental defective uses a gun in a criminal manner. Biden, for all intents and purposes, has ended his political career with these actions. Several senators, representatives, along with federal, state and local officials, if they support Biden on these unconstitutional directives, will find themselves looking for new employment. If Joe is looking for a fight, he has found it. We not only will not comply, we will fight back. This Country is much to important to lose it to radical liberals...