Biden Announces Executive Actions to Limit 'Ghost Guns' & Stabilizing Braces for Pistols

Do you support or oppose Biden’s executive actions on gun control?

  • 42

    Biden (yeah, the one that's not my president and is putting this country on a downward spiral) said in one of his speeches on gun control and the 2nd Amendment that "No Amendment Is Absolute.".....and that you can't yell 'FIRE' in a crowded theater. He's wrong...You can yell 'FIRE' in a crowded theater however there are severe consequences in doing so. If let's say 200 people (including the one that would yell 'FIRE') were to go to a theater and the one person yelled 'FIRE'. Would you arrest and punish the one that committed the act....Or would you arrest and punish all 200 theater goers? Now, let's get back to the 2nd Amendment. So, if someone commits a 'gun crime' do you arrest and punish the one that committed the crime.....or do you punish all 'Law Abiding Gun Owners' like Biden is trying to do now. If someone could please answer this in a timely manner.... I'd appreciate it as I'm taking inventory. Thanks in advance. Asking for a very close friend.

  • 41

    I disagree!

  • 232

    Limiting firearms access only works on the people that abide by the laws, it rarely affects the criminals directly. So any laws that limit the rights of legal gun ownership, or legal gun purchase, will only disadvantage those people that obey the laws. This will not stop criminals, or those that wish to commit crimes.

  • 23

    How about we attack the criminals and fight the illegal guns. Your assault on gun control will only make us victims. The only real reason you want to do this is because you want to disband the Americans as the writing on the wall is Democrats want a socialist society.

  • 69

    I will say it once and I’ll say it again guns don’t kill people people kill people we shouldn’t be limiting guns We should be focusing more on the mental health aspect so that way what happened in Sandy Hook Marjorie Stoneman Douglas high school doesn’t happen again

  • 479

    There may not have been federal laws regarding gun ownership or use in all these years since the constitution, and there might not have been need, but there were certainly local laws, necessary to bring about necessary civilization to the new lands out west. A television series certainly, but remember how Sheriff Matt Dillon took up the guns from every person who entered the town so full of rowdy cowboys bored from the trail and ready to drink some spirits and spend their pay---and challenge anyone who might get in their way of showing off their high spirits. Real western sheriffs and marshals did the same thing with great success, probably allowing the spread of the species into the West without it becoming a battlefield. They and their supportive townspeople could see the foolishness of letting gun power loose and saved many a life and city with gun limitation measures. Why can't we do that now, especially when we have so much shooting that has no seeming reason at all? Why does anyone need to have a gun that can mutilate 50 people in a minute? What valuable or inalienable right can that possibly be protecting?

  • 32

    These regulations are that bad. Not compared to previous comments where the administration pushed towards a full ban on long arms.

  • 34

    The conversation for gun control is not going anywhere until we address the horrible events that took place over the past years. Innocent people are getting killed by the hands of officers and nothing has been done from Congress. It is heartbreaking and as a citizen I am concerned and sick to my stomach. How many more lives have to die? How many of us have children, cousins, uncles, friends, etc that they love and care about and for you not to see them in the eyes of these innocent lives that have been lost?

  • 171

    Guns are out of control and it needs to stop. Morons do not need to have guns. They are not smart and may shoot themselves. For starts, they should present a high school diploma. That will lower the number significantly.

  • 41.9k

    Judy G: Thanks for your comment. I like to think that more and more people are truly taking the time to pay attention to our government and are increasingly less likely to be fooled by political double-speak and disinformation. I give the trump credit for exposing the trumpublicans for what they have become by constantly scaring the crap out of intelligent people with his dismantling and corrupting of so many critical institutions that any functional democracy depends upon. I sincerely hope you are right and that enough people have gained the clarity of purpose and willpower to restore a rational government that works for all of the the people of this country once again. I like to think that we will rise to the occasion over the next few election cycles or at least until the current Republican Party is replaced by some other conservative party with principles, ideals and ideas which is willing to engage in non-partisan political negotiations for the common good.

  • 1,714

    It’s a start

  • 60

    There is so much flack going on about gun control that it makes my head spin. I do not own a gun or any type of weapon. I learned self defense and it works. I have actually pulled a gun from the hand of someone who had the pistol pointed at my head and took it away easily. I know of people who have been shot in Hunting accidents, at my place of work and other. But, when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have them, excluding the police of course. So, I am against gun control. You all may think gun control will work but it will make criminals get a big head when the can get guns and the public can't. I walked both sides of the tracks and to NOT go there is to not see the big picture of what causes violence. Violence begins with a negative mental attitude and it starts at home-In schools-at the work place-anywhere a person is negatively influenced. Seen too much of it.

  • 380

    Americans are not going to give up their right to bear arms period. Criminals will get the guns they want as they always do and could care less about laws. Passing these gun controlling laws is pointless. Address the social ills that lead people to kill.

  • 276

    Annoying tacky trick to harm good Americans...use the laws that’s on the books and like I said use them!

  • 159
    Michael J

    If you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem. No right is absolute has been proven throughout history. Common sense and rational thought must prevail. These sage words are wasted on radicalized, right wingnut Fascist Herr Trump minions. Deacon Gohmert is going to preach to QAnon at a Dallas gathering. Doesn’t matter that Q Anon (anonymous) could be a Russian or Chinese operative. John Boehner has choice words for our Foreign born Latinx wannabe president Sen Eduardo Raphael Ruiz. Texas’s Three Stooges never fail to sink to new lows.

  • 228

    Most gun measures are done as a knee jerk to show something was done, even when the new change is shown that it would not have stopped the tragedy it is in reaction to. So IMHO you have 2 choices - 1st is repeal the 2nd then regulate all you like. The other, would have to be to show how the new action would have prevented which tragedy then be able to pass legal challenge of infringing on the 2nd.

  • 349

    JimK: Your response to this issue is one of your best posts ever. Also, you asked a question right at the end of the post that I would like to answer. Gun ownership and gun violence are issues used to get votes. In other words, most politicians do not care how the guns are used or who is killed by them, they just want to scare voters into voting for them. Same thing for race discrimination. And now the EX is picking on stupid people like medical get votes! Anyway, as long as the majority of the American people are intelligent and get out and vote, things will be okay for US!

  • 69

    But this isn't enough. Congress need to pass comprehensive legislation started with amending the 2ns amdemdment

  • 440

    Brian and all: Even if you normalize to population of blacks making up 13% they still are involved in 50% of homicides and even if say over 50% of those convicted are wrongful blacks still commit a disproportionate amount of crime in comparison to any other race. The police shootings on blacks however only make up 25% and has been declining since the 1970s. Regardless the number one reason why young black males die is because they are shot by other black males. For every one black male shot by a police officer 71 are shot by another black man. There is also the convenient correlation that more than half of the black family households are single parent homes. That SHOULD be the conversation and the BLM movement should focus on this rather than defunding the cops or making nonsense gun laws or stop mass incarceration. Yes we need reform in all but get the conversation straight to why our people are dying. Police are not the enemy. In addition simulated studies to determine if officers are more likely to shoot a black vs white person were also done actually 3x and each concluded they were more likely to shoot at a white person and hesitated to shoot at a black person.

  • 207

    Biden’s executive orders do nothing to prevent gun crimes. All they do is make it harder and/or more expensive for legal gun owners, as well as pave the way for a gun registry. Not to mention they are all violations of the second amendment, thus unconstitutional.