IT: Boycotting the Beijing Olympics, and... 🛂 Should the U.S. require 'vaccine passports'?

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  • 55

    No I don’t think companies and governments should mandate vaccines and punish people who don’t want an unknown,unpredictable medication in their bodies. The FDA has not approved any of these vaccines.

  • 394

    I am more and more in favor of vaccine passports. I believe they will help people feel safer as they know the people around them are vaccinated also. I certainly want to restrict myself to venues where a vaccine is required for participants. If you don’t want a vaccine, stay home.

  • 38

    Vaccine passports is a terrible idea! It goes directly against HIPPA laws!

  • 1,479

    Yes. This is a no brained. The only way to know if someone has been vaccinated is with proof. Although like everything else there may be scams brewing. This needs to be officially done to guard against counterfeit passports.

  • 440

    Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are censoring Uyghur voices and labeling firsthand accounts as disinformation. If more stories were able to be circulated I think the response to China would be completely different. It’s unfortunate that these companies and the media has that much control on world issues. The public is blind to so much. You’re better off not reading the news it’s a polluted vehicle and only clouds the mind and perspective of real ideas and thought.

  • 33

    First COVID passports next tattoos on the arm. Even having the questions asked is a violation of HIPPA laws. How would congress liked to be asked multiple times a day if you’ve had COVID shot. If average Americans are forced to give up our privacy then we expect congress and the faux president go first we the people want you all to go first !

  • 2,915

    Vaccine Passports: Not sure this makes any sense. Fauci and other medical professionals are saying that even if you take the vaccine doesn't mean you can't get the virus or spread it. So, this serves the question: What does having a passport accomplishment?

  • 50

    Uninformed people parrot the party line about needing ID to prove you have been vaccinated, but don’t need ID to vote. Nobody is saying you don’t need ID to vote.

  • 741

    Absolutely they should require vaccine passports with new evidence that 1/3 of the cases of COVID-19 lead to mental illness there should be no doubt about it. I also believe that here in Georgia we should recall our governor he’s let the state down totally and he’s proved himself to be nothing but a licker and a puppet.

  • 34

    So we are looking to require proof of vaccination to be able to travel but no proof of ID to vote? It’s exhausting...

  • 128

    Yes!!! Let’s require vaccine passports!

  • 148

    Question for Republicans like Desantis and the rest... why no government to stop and check a deadly pandemic.... but senseless rules about gender... playing sports, bathrooms, treatments for surgery even with parental permission ?... yet we let children be present burning masks ... at anti demnot get vaccine ... spread the disease.... all oxymoronish but typical from morons....

  • 852

    Yes. Vaccine passports should be required. The rights and safety of the group always trumps the rights of an individual.

  • 48

    Vaccine passports should be required to attend large events. It might actually pressure those on the fence, or even those who believe whack job conspiracy theories. It’s what we’ll need to be able to open everything up. And if you refuse to get a vaccination, it means you don’t really care about the people around you, and you shouldn’t be allowed to go to events...

  • 215

    Yea I would not travel there knowing this is the Country that started the Virus.

  • 104

    In the world we live in now, proof of vaccination should be required. As soon as it is proven safe for children, it should be required for school as well. We have to do what is best for the greater good of mankind.

  • 93

    Boycott China Olympics? It is Covid Central!!! Stay away from those germy folks!!

  • 150

    Baseball hurt themselves pulling out of Georgia over ignorance, If they can read, Which it seems they can’t Georgia added to, not took away, hours to Vote Sports organizations are ignorant to become involved with Politicians The same goes for a Boycott of the Olympics in China Leave political matters out of Sports We have Sports to bring people together That is the goal of the Olympics Let the Olympics be as they were intended