Should the U.S. Boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics?

Do you support or oppose a boycott by the U.S. of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics?

  • 81

    We should also sanction China for its acts of genocide

  • 104

    What is more important, human rights or sports?

  • 96

    I oppose politics being interjected into sports. I have chosen to no longer be a participant or spectator of professional sports for this very reason. This does not mean I support the humanitarian conduct of the CCP.

  • 69

    Yes but they won't. But at the same time, the hypocrisy isn't lost. We are ina country where a police can and has legally killed unarmed black men with no consequence. We also continue to do dealing with Saudi Arabia. Qatar is literally killing people to build the new stadium for the World Cup. Georgia new restrictive voting rights. New transphobic laws that US state are in acting. Should we, yes. Will we, no. But if we do, we are hypocrite as well

  • 304

    Any country that is awarded the privileges of hosting the Olympics needs to be honoring what the majority of the world's countries agree to have basic human rights observed by them. China is killing their own citizen just because they are Muslims. China is killing dissidents in Hong Kong and taking Christians to concentration camps to get them to deny their faith. Why should American's go to China and give them millions of dollars. Personally, I wouldn't go to China as I have NO desire to be tracked by the Chinese government!

  • 79

    Why should we allow politics interfere with the Olympic games. We have to consider the athletes and how hard they worked to get there. Now we want to cancel their chances at gold metals. NO.

  • 21


  • 46

    We need too, not just because of the Chinese but the so called Americans that kneel

  • 59

    Of course not

  • 3,405

    Our country is also responsible for human rights abuses. We are no better than they are. If the purpose is to drop everything and focus on physical competitions, lets go!

  • 60

    Opposing is being childish. It's like telling someone ' if you don't share your candy I will not be your friend you. AND supporting is like saying since I am your friend it's alright to kill and abuse people.

  • 2,797

    Yes China is the cause of this virus. Since E January 20th at noontime to present here are the COVID-19 figures. Cases 6,489,962 new cases yesterday 83,678. Deaths 290,746 new deaths yesterday 1,060. All of these in just 79 days. As Comrade dear leader Beijing Biden use to say pointing in the camera there are 290,746 families sitting at the dining room table looking at that empty chair. IMPEACH FORTY SIX

  • 104

    I support the boycott. We do not conspire with terrorists and China is that. The genocide over there is heinous and we should not have the Olympics there.

  • 666

    I am in support of boycotting the Beijing Olympics as a means of protesting China’s role in the destruction of our oceans. Nobody talks about this. Yes, their record on human rights is atrocious. But their complete annihilation of the open seas with their monstrous fleet of fishing vessels and drag nets can no longer be ignored. Not only are the Chinese fleets decimating countless species to the brink of extinction they are destroying the ecosystem required for the c02 absorption required if we are to fucking stay alive.

  • 81

    Seems fair

  • 73

    If American athletes don’t show up, who’s gonna kick chinas butt

  • 1,195

    The U.S. should boycott the Beijing Winter Olympics, and so should all democratic countries. Yes, China is a power to be careful with, however, their choice to abuse and kill Muslim people is wrong! By having the Olympics in Beijing would also add a lot of money to China's economy. Our Corporations already get a lot of things from China, instead of making these things in the U.S.. Much of our clothing is made in China and other countries, because they can pay less for labor that way and put more profit in their own pockets, and then not pay taxes due to the Republican Tax plan passed under Trump's administration. As long as China is against Hong Kong and Muslims, we should not be a part of the Olympics held there.

  • 178

    China is terrible on human rights; of course they don’t have a monopoly do they Congress?

  • 388

    The Olympics are supposed to be games that bring the works together. As such, they are supposed to be free of political influences. There are other ways - including sanctions and fines - to hold China accountable for its behavior. Unfortunately, the world has tolerated China’s violations of international law and trade treaties for decades. The world also probably emboldened China’s behavior in Taiwan and Hong Kong when no one did anything when Putin invaded and annexed the Crimean Peninsula which was Ukranian territory. The inaction is still evident as pro-Russian militants, probably funded by Russia, are massing and fighting on another Ukranian border.

  • 289

    China is putting their heavy hands on so many fronts. They should not be hosting the Olympics period. Part of the Olympic movement is to promote world cooperation, peace and understanding.