IT: Trump calls for Coke boycott over its opposition to Georgia voter law, and... šŸ€ Should states ban transgender women in sports?

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  • 23
    Renee B.

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  • 666

    The thing to remember about the new and improved Georgia voting laws is that they are based on a lie. They exist to validate a lie that says the election was stolen. This is false, as anyone with a functional brain knows. These laws supporting Trumpā€™s lies, are eroding our Democracy and our right to vote across this country. That is the REAL issue here and everyone, citizens and corporations alike, should be protesting this aspect of the laws as well as the voting restrictions.

  • 85

    I am so sick of hearing from that sicko Trump. Come on people wake up! He is the biggest deceiver stealing from his workers, contractors, supporters, and the American people. He has spread fear, racism, hate, and lies for four years with only his self interest paramount in his thinking. I donā€™t care what he thinks. Iā€™m proud that these corporations have stood up to voter suppression. Now they need to stop contributing to political campaigns. And I wish Trump would crawl back into the hole he crawled out of what a hypocrite.

  • 90

    Nothing trump says should matter. He needs locked up and silenced. No. Politiciyshould have no involvement transgender athletics.

  • 260

    Itā€™s up to ā€œThe Peopleā€ to speak up.