U.S. Economy Adds 916K Jobs in March as States Ease Pandemic Restrictions More Broadly

How do you feel about the state of the job market?

  • 85

    I care less about the economics and more about the mutation and spread of the virus. I think some states opened way too early and I fear the rest of the country will bear the burden of these states infected people. I fear we may end up chasing this virus with annual shots like the flu all because we couldn’t close the economy and allowed the virus to mutate

  • 27.8k

    @Brian wrote: "Unemployment is still pretty high in Pennsylvania compared to pre-pandemic, and we're having another surge of coronavirus...." https://www.causes.com/comments/1459723 Hopefully, supplement vaccines will address COVID variants soon. I suspect when there is a true consensus as to when K-12 In School Education can resume safely; THEN we’ll see unemployment return to its normal levels of (dis)function. I am pretty sure that if enacted, the Biden Jobs Plan will get things going. The Jobs Plan calls on Congress to make a historic and overdue investment in our infrastructure — roads, bridges, rail, ports, airports, telecommunications, etc.

  • 22
    Patricia P.

    i am making easily persistently $15k to $20k simply by doing direct work at home. Multi-month again I have made $45890 from this movement. amazing and smooth to do work and standard pay from this is bewildering. I have proposed each final one of you to join this progress right directly as low protection and get than full-time salary through taking after this association. So I started-------------->>>>>>> www.Nifty2.com

  • 6,779

    Even when there is **Full Employment**, most people will live hand to mouth. Most Americans are in constant danger of falling into an inescapable debt trap. The "Economic Downturn" only made the huge chasm between the Have's and the Have-Not's widen. In fact, the wealth of the 0.1% has grown by $Trillions over the last year--and every single dollar was siphoned from the rest of us. And the 0.1% will use their "tax-specialists" to continue to avoid paying any taxes at all. For that they heartily thank Trump and Senator McConnell..

  • 159
    Michael J

    Jobs aren’t worth a whole lot without a Living Wage and Benefits. Stop protecting wealthy corporations and individuals and represent Blue Collar Middle Class Americans struggling to get by.

  • 905

    What is so good about it. Slave wages or work until you die?

  • 1,233

    Everywhere we look there are signs HELP WANTED but these are for jobs many cannot afford to take. Laid off from a job and collecting whatever benefits available is difficult most want to work. But if they take a job that interrupts those benefits they stand to lose much more. Those collecting these extended benefits in some cases making more on unemployment than they ever did working. WHY GO The system is broken and it will take more than just handing out extras. The FEDS should never have given out extra they should have supported the state systems that compensate for the income of people and instuted moratoriums on loans etc. to help

  • 1,532


  • 706

    Good grief, how delusional are you when you think stimulus payments equate to job growth? Come on people, read the content of these summaries. This "growth" is attributed to people going back to work. Did you notice that Blacks and other minorities experienced greater re-employment that Whites? It isn't like illegit Joe is creating jobs either, although clearly that's the direction some of your thoughts are processing. No, all illegit Joe has done so far is destroy jobs. People returning to work does not constitute actual new jobs or job growth. Is that clear? And every job does not equate to a living wage, whatever the definition of the latter is. Clearly it's subject to the region you live in which is why you can't inflate and then make mandatory a minimum wage.

  • 468

    Slave wage jobs with no benefits, or living wage jobs that support families and the middle class? Quality over quantity.

  • 81

    President Biden and the Democratic Party have us on the right track. The only thing that could get in the way is Trump and his "republican" cult of personality. Has anyone seen the news that 55 corporations did not pay any taxes in 2020 in the midst of a pandemic? In fact some even got refunds. Wow. Tax breaks for the wealthy a good idea? Really? WAKE UP

  • 1,741

    Again, I am cautiously optimistic. As far as I’m concerned, Biden is doing a bang up job! He is priming the pump of the American economy and Wall Street and the job performance show that we’re getting back on track. I hope that the Democrats in Congress don’t wait around on passing legislation for the trumplicans to collaborate, bitch mcconnell forbids it. 2022 is right around the corner and if you don’t pass it all now and possibly lose “control” of Congress, then Biden’s recovery will be blocked by trumplicans to the detriment of the American people.

  • 1,741

    Once again, @Leslie, thank you for your exhaustive research on the jobs market. Your comments are always so informative.

  • 13.6k

    Wealth inequality has continued to intensify under the pandemic. corporations made trillions from our misery- and still refuse to pay living wages.currently, the ''jobs'' offered are slave wage, with no benefits or workplace protections, while C.E.O.s make 600 times what the average worker makes.Automation also continues to make more jobs obsolete- as they should- we don't need toil 'jobs''. we need healthcare, and housing for ALL!!! start putting humans above property.

  • 9,166

    Glad it is improving, The Biden stimulus packaged helped! The upcoming infrastructure bill will be very helpful! Getting more people vaccinated will open up more businesses, returning people to work will improve the economy greatly.

  • 1,741

    @Lane, your ridiculous statement betrays your willful ignorance regarding scientific basis for asking everyone in this country to WEAR THE DAMN MASK! Get the damn shot(s)! Do us all a favor and crack a high school science book and learn about virus transmission, asymptomatic vectors, and ways to avoid bad viruses.

  • 8,497

    I would feel better if it was an accurate count which include everyone, but it only represent people collecting unemployment benefits, not the ones that ran out and are now homeless.

  • 171

    It is doing better with more people being vaccinated.

  • 1,877

    I trust Biden than Trump on the economy and also senator Bernie Sanders

  • 122

    Wages & Benefits lagg in American Employment