Texas to Lift Mask Mandate & COVID-19 Restrictions on Businesses

How do you feel about Texas lifting its mask mandate & COVID-19 restrictions on businesses?

  • 232

    I find that most covid19 mandates only serve to increase the casualties of this manmade disease, and is to consolidate power in the hands of those spreading these mandates alongside propaganda that increases fear. I want all covid19 mandates lifted.

  • 240

    We did this last year. We are NO WHERE NEAR HERD IMMUNITY and Abbott is lying or uninformed. Waving the “come and infect us flag” for tourist areas is getting locals sick and causing problems with hiring. You’ve put businesses in the bad position fighting government and anti maskers just to get by. Y’all are destroying businesses because mainly anti maskers are showing and leave the community worse for wear because of the mixed messages from our REPS. The vaccinated and informed are not returning to indoor businesses until masks are required or Texas has herd immunity. You better get to work on 49% of white republican men, until they’re vaccinated, businesses will suffer and viruses will mutate to infect younger people. We’re down to 10 year olds getting hospitalized. DO SOMETHING THAT ISN’T CRIMINAL.