South Dakota Begins Early Voting - When Can YOU Cast Your Ballot?

Request your mail-in ballot today.

  • 48.2k

    We have further proof now that Clarence Thomas is not an impartial justice and should be investigated and possibly impeached. The Trump team sought to use him to overturn the 2020 election, which means they'll likely do so again.


  • 20.1k

    Vichy today, instigating more violence against the Pelosi's:

    "The only way this guy got in was he was let in. If not, then show us the security videos of him breaking in."

    He was "let in", sez shit-poster.

    Shit-poster is now aggressively promoting the gay lover lie, @bart @causes

  • 44.9k

    Polls, polls, polls⁉️🤷‍♂️🤔. Lots of discussion on the younger generation and are they or are they not? Are pollsters reaching them? Social media's impact? From limited coverage here in Texas, seen video where Beto is going town to town, to universities, and having Get Out the Vote rallies and going to local early voting locations. Not sure how representative of their vote that will show in the end.

  • 48.2k

    Now that we know the economy has grown again and is still very healthy, we need to stop listening to the fear over "this economy". Yes, inflation is high, but that's a global problem. 

    The economy itself is still robust and will continue doing its thing.

    Democracy needs us to defend it, because once it's gone, we can't get it back.


  • 7,875

    If states adopted liberal policies across the board, calculation that 171,030 lives would have been saved in 2019 alone; on the flip side, conservatives policies in all state would have led to an additional 217,635 working age deaths.

    American should realize what they are voting for or against and what they have to loose!

    source Daily Beast - Maddie Bender

  • 44.9k

    Voted Blue 22 today‼️ So ...

    Will we #TossTheTexasTaliban ?

    Will we #Abbortt ?

    Will we #SaveOurRights ?


    Will #MyVoteCount ?

    Texas has upgraded our voting system to produce a 'paper ballot' with our votes printed and is then recorded by a 'reader/counter' as the ballot is imaged and dropped into a secure ballot box in the voting location. Our new system is from Hart InterCivic Inc, one of two companies that have been certified by the State. Appears to be much like Dominion's system. Other counties may also use equipment supplied by Election Systems and Software. 
    There are apparently some concerns about the the 'New' system having some learning curve  issues, but my Poll Workers, though old like me, were extremely straight forward about explaining the changes and I had NO issues.


  • 7,875

    China is now becoming like Russia and not a parter in the world, but a Threat to the world, Ruling not governing. Ruler's, people are expendable and are their only to serve and enrich the rule, such as Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un. To govern is a person who works for, support and protect the the health, needs and human rights all the people, not just some of the people. 

    Good management and leader work for the people, not the other way around. 


  • 7,875

    Unfortunately too many people are a single issue voter, not looking at what they are give up like your rights, your democracy, your freedom, independents and turning back the clock, bring back bigotry, the hate, religious dark ages and empire, pyramids and fascism.

  • 44.9k

    Wow! Right eye cataract surgery day before yesterday and a little pain, but I forgot how bright and clear it can be out there. Still some on and off swelling and still blood in the whites of my eyes, and a little TMI?, but ...

    That ballot is going to be brighter and easier to read than in the last few years! 




    Going Tomorrow To VOTE BLUE 22!

  • 20.1k

    "What kind of case might be made that Trump has a right to documents on either subject is simple: There is none. Simply holding these documents outside a secure area represents a national security threat. Either document might also contain information that reveals U.S. sources and methods, meaning that showing these documents to anyone represents not just a threat to international stability, but a direct risk to human intelligence and a setback for intelligence research."


  • 48.2k

    It's time to be clear. 

    Any candidate that says they will not accept the results of the election if they lose should be immediately disqualified and forfeit their campaign.

    We need to take this election very seriously to preserve our democracy. 

    I will never vote for a candidate who says "I will only accept the results if I win", and I encourage you all to do the same.

    These people are not legitimate candidates; they are fascists who intend to destroy our democracy and stay in office forever.

  • 94.3k

    My state is 1 of 22 states (and DC) that allows registration in person during early voting (Oct 27 - Nov 3) & in person at voting location on Election Day (Nov 8).

     To register remotely either online or by mail must be completed by Oct 18 at 11:59 p.m.

     Seems restrictive to not allow registration to those voting in person either in early votinng or on election day. One needs to ask why restrict voting in this way?

     Matter of fact, the only justification for requiring proof of citizenship at the polling place is for those who are registering to vote the day they vote (early or last day voting in person).

  • 20.1k

    "Trump had lost dozens of lawsuits by Jan. 6 where his lies of election fraud were summarily rejected by judges, including those he appointed. But by the time Congress would convene for its joint session, Stewart Rhodes appeared fully out of patience with Trump."

  • 8,922

    My ballot is sitting on the table, just haven't decided between my two awful choices for mayor. 

  • 48.2k

    We're seeing more and more polls talking about how inflation and the economy are top issues for voters.

    I understand, but this is very dangerous for our country.

    Republicans  have NO PLAN to stop inflation, and McCarthy and others have already said they plan to destroy the economy to further erode support for Biden if they win. Do we really want that?

    A vote for any Republican is not only a vote to destroy our economy further, but also a vote to destroy democracy, possibly forever.

    Yes, we are feeling some pain in our economy right now, but imagine how much worse it could be if the GOP follows through on McCarthy's threat and we no longer have the ability to vote them out in 2 years because they have further rigged the system to stay in power.

  • 5,397

    Since my comments do not register on the community feed I will enter this one here. 

    Regarding Herschel Walker having Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), having him in the Senate with that as an active concern is frightening. DID involves the creation of "alters" under periods of severe, life threatening stress and trauma as a way of the mind and body protecting itself from severe harm. These alters can take various forms (children, male or female adults, adolescents, violent or passive) and are determined by the need of the person at the time the alter was formed. There are usually multiple alters, and the host personality usually does not know about them without treatment although they usually know about each other. The host will experience episodes of loss of time, memory gaps, and similar experiences during the times the alters have control of the person's behavior. These alters cannot be called forth at will. They come of their own accord when they believe the host is threatened in some way or needs to be protected. This is not something that is within control of the host personality.

    Herschel Walker claims he does not remember threatening his ex. That is entirely possible if he has DID. He may very well have made the threat under the behavior and actions of one of his alters and his host personality not be aware of it having happened. Just because he doesn't remember doesn't mean he didn't commit the behavior/threat. What other behaviors are under the control of other alters? How many alters exist for him? What are their names and identities? How old are they? How violent are they potentially?

    All of these questions, and more, become extremely important, and even more so if he is elected as a U.S. Senator. If he has DID there is no way of knowing for sure who is going to show up on any given day.

  • 347

    Republicans use tactics to scare us into voting for them .................    and so many voters vote for them.  .There is nothing to fear but fear itself.......stop believing scare tactics.....Franklin Delano  Roosevelt.       was  not not not a communist.......... He  was our first socialist president.       ............  He was in a wheelchair......polio........    He got us through a depression.      started programs.   we needed ......Had a sweet little dog. ...........Fala..........           .........     He was in I believe his 3rd or 4th term  when he died.          He is why today a presidents can only serve two terms.             We voters would not not not stop voting for him............we loved him ..........!!!!!!!!   Gop      hated him they could not win...........we voters knew he was for us and america....not Russia or rich.     as is Biden.........LOGIC.........!!!!!!!!!!!.............THINK

  • 48.2k

    I'm very concerned about the states where Republicans are trying to get rid of voting machines in favor of hand-counting.

    Hand counting has shown to be not only much slower, but also has a higher rate of inaccuracy. 

    Since the Republicans showed us they have no patience for late vote tallies, how do we think they're going to wait for these votes to be counted and recounted by hand for accuracy this year and in 2024?

    The truth is, they won't. They'll get tired of waiting (and losing) and just lie about the results.

    This is part of how they plan to destroy our democracy.

  • 94.3k

    Early voting in our state is 10-27-22 until 11-3-22.

    Last day to request an absentee ballot is 11-1-22 which must be submitted by the time polls close on 11-8-22 @8pm

    I ususally vote at our local polling place which is conveniently in our building unless it is closed like during Covid, I am traveling or when Ive had limited mobility due to being in a cast for broken bones.

    I do like all the options I have so its easy to vote once I was able to get a drivers license when I moved to this state 5 years ago. The process of getting a drivers license when moving from another US state with RealId and a passport was ridiculous though taking 4 trips to provide all the source documents they wanted which was essentially original copies of every life event involved in name change - birth, marriages & divorces.

    I think a RealId from a US State & a passport should be adequate identification. 

  • 5,397

    Early voting in Minnesota started September 23.