Wondering Who Gives Money to Your Reps? Click Here

Join us and tell your reps how you feel!

  • 7,929

    Here is the problem. Representatives should represent their constituents. Instead, they spend their time & effort representing those who financially support their campaigns. 


    "Public financing would amplify the voices of the millions of small-dollar contributors, fundamentally shifting the balance so that small donors become the most important source of campaign funds."

    That way when the MAJORITY of Americans WANT the right to choose, marijuana legalized, universal healthcare, voting rights, etc., their reps would actually REPRESENT THE PEOPLE!!! What a concept!


    What we have now is an oligarchy. Knowing who "paid for" our reps, is irritating at best and does nothing to solve the ineffectiveness of representation of people  



  • 7,797

    Republicans are trying to win by spreading three faults lies.

    1) They claimed that crime is on the rising because of the democrats have been soft on crime. Crime rates are due to the proliferation is gun Violence, which the republicans refuse to do anything about!

    2) They claim that inflation is due to Biden's spending and wage increases. The major reason for inflation is due to corporations raising prices and gouging the American public.

    3) They say the democrats vote to hire an army of IRS who would audit and harass the middle class. This is nonsense the IRS won't go after the middle class. It will be going after the ultra-wealthy tax cheats. 

    Who do you think who is backing republicans?

  • 41.9k

    I do not care who gave how much money to whom - I want legislation to eliminate all money and/or expensive gifts given to government employees within every branch of government. I want monies directed to shaping the branch's of government to meet the needs of wealthy investors elininated from any and all aspects of our governance, in every branch and at every level.

    I want legislators who want to legislate and cannot be corrupted by the relative ease of selling the politcal influence granted to them by the people to their financial benefactors. I want to see congresspeople spend more time legislating and less time fund raising. I do not want to see influential committees seats granted to thise who can raise the most funds.

    I want people to take of the responsilities of legislating, judging and executing programs for the common good of the people and not for the good of their benefactors nor their own finacial well being,I want people in our governance to only be able to use the authorities granted to them by the people for the good of the country and the collective good of the people of this country.

    Just imagine how many of our corrupted legislators would not even want to serve in office if the money spigots were turned off. We can just say bye bye and good riddance to most of the Republican Cartel and a number of Democrats as well - they woild lose the compelling financial benefits once the flow of donations and 'soft money' gifts were outlawed completely. The Fedralist Society would not have even able to spend billions of dollars over the past four decades to remake the entirely of the conservative federal judiciary intro what it has become.

    Nope, No, Nada - Just get all outside money out of all aspects of government, every branch and at each and every level.

    Then we won't have the need to look at lists of which PAC's and which speciall interest groups are buying political influence from whom. 

  • 93.9k

    Nice feature but wish it worked on zip code only why should I need to provide a physical address online which is a security issue.

  • 5,397

    Open Secret is one source. I prefer using the FEC website and their data base.

  • 3,959

    All I know it does not come from me. 

  • 2,937

    Why bother?  I have a good idea that their funding comes from corporate America and the greedy, power mad Gods of Privilege.  That is plain old common sense and has been that way for decades.  No "out of state" donations should be allowed and that includes political parties and their financial supporters.  Make all politicians get off their lazy backsides and support their own cause not to mention getting out and actually talking with those who have the most to lose.  Hope you will excuse me for not holding my breath.  Fact of the matter is, that I don't trust a damn one of them.  I pay attention to what they say, and how they vote in congress.  The more I disagree with their choices, the less chance of my voting for them.  Just a few more weeks and I will have a chance to vote out one senator, one representative, not to mention one worthless governor.  Have a good day.

  • 25.8k

    So where do I find the sordid details?



  • 48.0k

    Interesting site, but it seems either incomplete, outdated, or badly functional. Could not find either of my Senators nor my US Rep so can't see who's donating to them.

    I do believe in transparency. We should be able to see any large-dollar, corporate, or PAC contributions to all members of the government, no exceptions. 

    Good government is transparent. We must end decisions like Citizens United and open up the books on all elected officials so we know who is pulling their strings.

  • 809

    This link is useless.  It leads you to believe this information will be provided or at least linked to the information.  I'm not thinking most Reps, especially Democrats, are gonna happily provide a donor list upon request this close to an election, or any other time.  Come on man!

  • 783

    I use open secret