Michael Cohen Takes the Stand in Trump Hush Money Trial

Do you think Trump is guilty?

  • 42.0k
    Voted Yes

    I am looking forward for the battle between the Manhattan DA, the Georgia DA, and several different DOJ prosecutors over who gets to have the first perp-walk of the trump in chains to his different trials.

    I know that the trump is kind of looking forward to a perp-walk becuase he thinks he can use it to solicit more funds out of the poor fools that support him. That ay be true, but most of the electorate, I believe, are still in favor of the rule-of-law and equal justice for ask convicted criminals.

    It will be interesting to see how the trump himself reacts when his illusion of wealth and power is finally seen by everyone as the optical illusion of smoke nad mirrors tha it actually is. I imagine that once a narcissist's shield of presumed wealth and power is taken away, they will have a major emotional reality to deal with.How will the trump deal with it?

  • 2,427

    When he is found guilty, all his presidential perks MUST BE RESCINDED.  He is a traitor to our country.  He tried to make us a dictatorship, for God's sake!  We must not allow a traitor to receive a salary, Secret Service protection, free postage or whatever benefits a true president would have.  On January 6th, and afterward with the stolen documents, he relinquished any rights to be treated as a former president would be - WITHOUT A DOUBT!

    And isn't it wonderful to see how the Fox News hosts TRULY FEEL about their audience?  Amazing how so many can continue to show their ignorance by still watching them. 

  • 2,797
    Voted No

    This will bring the MAGA supporters out of the woodwork. 

    I believe the statue of limitations has expired BTW

  • 1,085
    Voted Yes

    I am amazed how long justice takes to happen in the US whenever it is someone rich and powerful like Donald Trump getting sued or prosecuted. I mean, how much more evidence would any prosecutor or judge need finally put the guy behind bars? He literally called for his supporters to illegally protest Congress to prevent him from leaving office! Come on, lawyers! Prosecuting Trump should have been a walk in the park, man! 

  • 2,427

    This is not about setting a precedent.  This is about asking a man who is NO LONGER a sitting president to pay for his crimes as the rest of us would.  He relinquished the title and rights of President on January 6th!  Who would EVER believe that a treasonous, and at the time, sitting President would ever be allowed to run rampant committing crime after crime without any consequences.  Certainly not our Founding Fathers in the Constitution they labored over and created.  Does the Dump walk free just because our Founding Fathers never believed that such a thing would be possible? They would think that CRAZY; just as any educated, common sense, moral person would.  Should he be found guilty, he must lose all his presidential perks.  He violated our country as never before.  He was instrumental in the hundreds of thousands Covid deaths, even before the deaths on January 6th.  It is way beyond time for this man to be held responsible for his crimes.  Enough already!  He deserves no special treatment. Those who think otherwise are absolutely incorrect.  

  • 1,814
    Voted No

    All lies just to stop Trump from running again. We need to arrest the Biden's for accepting payments from China. It's all coming out and you socialists can't stop it

  • 26.4k
    Voted Yes
    Today at 5:59 AM

    Post Conviction 

    'Uncomfortable': Expert says Trump will 'fail' upcoming court mental health questions - Raw Story https://www.rawstory.com/trump-court-mental-health-questions/

    No idea if a mental exam is actually part of the procedure, but the article seems legit so... 


     David Henderson, a legal analyst describedby CNBC as “a seasoned trial lawyer, civil rights attorney, and communications consultant,” appeared on MSNBC on Saturday to discuss another aspect of the legal proceedings.


    ... Henderson brought up the “questions he will find uncomfortable.”

    “For example, they are allowed to assess his mental health and determine whether or not he needs counseling and whether or not he would cooperate with participating in counseling. I think he fails part of the exam. And they will also ask how he feels about the charges brought against him and whether or not he accepts the jury verdict. As you said, he doesn’t have to answer but the problem here is it’s not difficult to look at statements he’s made publicly about both and it’s impossible for Judge Merchan to ignore those and it’s impossible to ignore the fact that Judge Merchan appears to be someone who cares about fairness and it’s almost impossible not to compare Trump with Michael Cohen.”

    <End Quote>


  • 3,664
    Voted Yes
    Yesterday at 11:32 PM

     D.C. ethics board recommends Rudy Giuliani be disbarred
    The recommendation comes after Giuliani represented Donald Trump in a Pennsylvania court case that sought to overturn the state’s 2020 election results

    Anyone / anything associated with bozo the mobster goes down in flames - be it institutions, attorneys, business, supporters and worse of all country! 

    hey elon welcome to the losers club ...

  • 8,078
    Voted Yes
    Yesterday at 11:26 PM

    That is because ever day is a new day for him, a man who lives in the past!

  • 8,078
    Voted Yes
    Yesterday at 4:17 PM

    Dow Jones's soared over verdict! Stock market believes in democracy, capitalism, freedom, democracy, rule of law and the constitution!

  • 8,078
    Voted Yes
    Yesterday at 1:58 PM

    The right wing, just like Trump, are absolutely unamerican, can not handle the truth, abide by rules and regulations and judge by their peers the out come. Trump could have testified, brought in witnesses to testify and the ones he did bring helped the prosecuting attorney. He has not leg to stand on. The evidence was over whelming against him. He had his day in court!

  • 753
    Voted Yes
    Yesterday at 2:57 PM


    The law and order President, unless of course that applies to him. A pathetic and shameless example of an American and human being. Lock him up. This all speaks volumes to the disastrous state of the Republican party.

  • 56
    Voted Yes
    last Thursday

    Get that sick evil man out of here. Trump should be in jail not in the oval office. 

  • 49.1k
    Voted Yes
    last Friday

    Poor victim Donald now saying he "wanted to testify" in the trial.

    Well, Donald, if you really are the "strong man" you want us to believe you are, then nothing, not even a lawyer, could have stopped you from testifying.

    Who is stupid enough to believe Donald actually wanted to testify and someone held him back?

  • 1,078
    Voted Yes
    last Friday

    Republicans the Supreme Court is corrupt and cannon is corrupt why aren't you clowns complaining about them. You've ruin our great country.

  • 1,078
    Voted Yes
    last Friday

    Jim Jordan if you and republican friends aren't doing anything for the American people don't run for office. You just spent 2 years doing nothing.

  • 1,078
    Voted Yes
    last Friday

    Republican congress instead of trying to convince people that trump is being framed for all 100 charges. Do something for the American people. 1stop taxing social security after we retire. Work on getting lower drug prices you get yours free for doing nothing. This congress has done nothing for the Americans keep voting republican. 

  • 1,078
    Voted Yes
    last Friday

    Trump stop your lies. Why didn't you take stand you did everything right. You need to go to jail. Just so you can keep your mouth shut. You had sex with 2 women and paid them off. You fixed the 2016 election. Get out of the race you crook.

  • 3,978
    Voted Yes
    last Friday

    Convicted now of 43 Felonies, 

    found liable of sexual deviance in an $80 million lawsuit,

    his business convicted of fraud to the tune of $450 million dollars.

    impeached not once but twice,
    (in the Senate approved by majority)

    found to be a lier In 36 courts across the country in his crazed bid to say the election was a fraud,

    directed his followers to the Capital and told them to "fight like hell" after which they followed his directions and rippped the capitol to shreds literally pooping on the floors and peeing on the walls. Not to mention the fact that people died,

    but Trump says he's never done anything wrong in his "perfect" life.

    Literally to Trump everyone is wrong but him. He has he said many times his behavior is "perfect "!  All of the hundreds of people involved and all this litigation are in the wrong but this one single person,Trump.

    What kind of person in his shoes would say this?

    That's easy, a Sociopath. 
    (as the saying goes if it walks like a duck and it sounds like a duck, it is a duck)

    The real question, the real sad question is what kind of a person and what kind of political party would still support this.....


  • 8,082
    Voted Yes
    last Thursday

    Convicted on ALL 34 FELONY COUNTS!

  • 3,978
    Voted Yes
    last Thursday

    Trump guilty on all 34 counts! Decided by a group of his peers and some of them his supporters! Trump is an absolute disgrace of a human being, lock this man up and let's move on as a country. 34 convicted felonies, convicted of sexual deviance, convicted of business fraud and found to be an absolute liar in over 30 courts across this country. He has absolutely no redeeming qualities lock this pathetic example of a person up.

  • 9,184
    Voted Yes
    last Thursday

    Changed my vote to gulity above as I'd waited for the jury to decide.

  • 42.0k
    Voted Yes
    last Thursday

    I am still working through medical issues with my wife. She is getting better but still needs a lot of help - and I am really a terrible nurse. 

    We watched Dune2 on Memorial Day and I discovered some great similarities of some of the characters in Dune with the Republican Cartel. 

    The Harkonian leader was a self serving sociopathic narcissist willing to lie, cheat and steal to gain power. He was a hugely overweight blob laying submerged in a vat of dark swamp grease - who occasionally poked his head out to send his acolytes off to dispatch his enemies and spread disinformation to the great houses and the emperor - all to to secure and increase his power.

    He was unashamedly vile, brutal and devious - and a master at corrupting others to lock them into his causes. He was the definition incarnate of a GLOAT! 

    I watched the movie to get away from politics and sadly saw the thump and the Republican Cartel profiled in this movie. SAD!

  • 1,078
    Voted Yes
    last Thursday

    So let's get this correct laws don't  apply to Trump only to everyone else.

    republicans let's hope your party isn't all stupid. This guy has almost 100 felony charges. Lock him up he fixed the 2016 election do you job republicans now.

  • 3,978
    Voted Yes
    last Wednesday

    Lock this idiot up and let's all move on with our lives. On another note, any positive attributes that I thought Nikki Haley might've had she has totally destroyed, turns out she's just another bootlicker.

  • 3,978
    Voted Yes
    last Wednesday

    Do the world of favor and lock this idiot up. In addition, I have to say this.:The Republican House Ethics panel opens inquiry into Rep. Cuellar in wake of federal indictment. The committee said it was compelled to act due to its “obligations to safeguard the integrity of the House.” LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!'

    since, when do the Republicans care about the integrity of the house is this a joke? The Republican lack of integrity is boundless.