IT: 🛢️ New Vermont measure could charge Big Oil for climate damages, and... Do you think Trump is guilty?

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  • 8,015
    last Friday

    It only America, the land of the free and the home over the brave! With the help of Putin republicans.

  • 8,015
    last Friday

    The erasing of the law will not change the outcome, if scientist are right!

  • 487

    We must in the future pass laws that we don't have elected officials interfering with criminal trials and putting undue pressure on witnesses! The US Speaker of the house was wrong to make an appearance and denounce the witnesses in this trial! 

  • 9,058


    Are you dead? 

  • 11
    Emma Z.

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  • 45.3k

    Cohen will probably be a true 'pain in the ass' witness! I'm betting on BOTH sides! But it does appear the 💩 is finally getting his 'wishes'!😂👍‼️ Just wondering if he's made any comparisons of former White House assistant, Madeleine Westerhout, with his daughter, Ivanka, like he apparently did with 'Stormy'🤷‍♂️‼️ Remember, IMHO😂👍‼️

  • 437

    Unquestionably, Trump is guilty of falsifying business records to hide his affair with Stormy from the American electorate. Let's just hope the jurors see it the same way, as Trump's avoided accountability for his criminal actions for far too long.

  • 673

    No. Trump is not guilty of these made up charges. And the state is trying him on federal charges that he was found not guilty of. Wake up America!