Trump Is A Convicted Felon: Now What?

Do you think Trump is guilty?

  • 42.0k
    Voted Yes

    I am looking forward for the battle between the Manhattan DA, the Georgia DA, and several different DOJ prosecutors over who gets to have the first perp-walk of the trump in chains to his different trials.

    I know that the trump is kind of looking forward to a perp-walk becuase he thinks he can use it to solicit more funds out of the poor fools that support him. That ay be true, but most of the electorate, I believe, are still in favor of the rule-of-law and equal justice for ask convicted criminals.

    It will be interesting to see how the trump himself reacts when his illusion of wealth and power is finally seen by everyone as the optical illusion of smoke nad mirrors tha it actually is. I imagine that once a narcissist's shield of presumed wealth and power is taken away, they will have a major emotional reality to deal with.How will the trump deal with it?

  • 2,427

    When he is found guilty, all his presidential perks MUST BE RESCINDED.  He is a traitor to our country.  He tried to make us a dictatorship, for God's sake!  We must not allow a traitor to receive a salary, Secret Service protection, free postage or whatever benefits a true president would have.  On January 6th, and afterward with the stolen documents, he relinquished any rights to be treated as a former president would be - WITHOUT A DOUBT!

    And isn't it wonderful to see how the Fox News hosts TRULY FEEL about their audience?  Amazing how so many can continue to show their ignorance by still watching them. 

  • 2,797
    Voted No

    This will bring the MAGA supporters out of the woodwork. 

    I believe the statue of limitations has expired BTW

  • 1,085
    Voted Yes

    I am amazed how long justice takes to happen in the US whenever it is someone rich and powerful like Donald Trump getting sued or prosecuted. I mean, how much more evidence would any prosecutor or judge need finally put the guy behind bars? He literally called for his supporters to illegally protest Congress to prevent him from leaving office! Come on, lawyers! Prosecuting Trump should have been a walk in the park, man! 

  • 2,427

    This is not about setting a precedent.  This is about asking a man who is NO LONGER a sitting president to pay for his crimes as the rest of us would.  He relinquished the title and rights of President on January 6th!  Who would EVER believe that a treasonous, and at the time, sitting President would ever be allowed to run rampant committing crime after crime without any consequences.  Certainly not our Founding Fathers in the Constitution they labored over and created.  Does the Dump walk free just because our Founding Fathers never believed that such a thing would be possible? They would think that CRAZY; just as any educated, common sense, moral person would.  Should he be found guilty, he must lose all his presidential perks.  He violated our country as never before.  He was instrumental in the hundreds of thousands Covid deaths, even before the deaths on January 6th.  It is way beyond time for this man to be held responsible for his crimes.  Enough already!  He deserves no special treatment. Those who think otherwise are absolutely incorrect.  

  • 1,814
    Voted No

    All lies just to stop Trump from running again. We need to arrest the Biden's for accepting payments from China. It's all coming out and you socialists can't stop it

  • 49.2k
    Voted Yes
    Yesterday at 3:40 PM

    What kind of a country would elect a convicted felon and a known sexual assaulter/rapist and business fraud? 

    I hear the GOP keep calling this trial a sign of a "banana republic", but how is it better to support a felon, fraudster and rapist instead of finding better non-convicted, non-rapist, non-fraudster candidates who can get votes from non-extreme members of your party? 

    In the meantime, we're not going to listen to MAGA complaints about the justice system. This exact same justice system is taking the son of a president to court today, so how is it biased? If Joe Biden really "controlled" and "weaponized" the justice system, would this be happening?


  • 2,426
    Voted Yes
    Yesterday at 6:28 PM

    Hell, YES!!!!!  and obviously, I'm not the only one, since 12 jurors found his ass quilty on all 34 charges.  We can only hope that he continues to be found quilty as he faces other criminal charges.  It's nice to know that at least in NY the justice system really does work.  It remains to be seen if it will actually work in GA and FL.

  • 249
    Voted Yes
    Yesterday at 5:24 PM

    I'm am very happy that Trump the bully is finally being held accountable for his illegal activities.

  • 3,998
    Voted Yes
    Yesterday at 4:23 PM

    Lock mr. "I can grab anyone I want by the pussy because I'm famous" up! 

    convicted sex offender, must pay $80 million to his victim,

    his business convicted of fraud to the two of over $400 million,

    The only president in history, impeached twice,

    now convicted of 34 felonies… And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    And on another note, why are the Republicans investigating Anthony Fauci when they should be investigating the 400,000 people that died from COVID-19 during Trump's presidency while he was recommending a light up them to  cure it. What the hell is wrong with Republicanparty!!!


  • 8,082
    Voted Yes
    Yesterday at 2:04 PM

    A Trump supporter an immigrate from South Africa start a business in the U.S. lacked lawful immigration status and now against unveted  immigrants?

  • 3,998
    Voted Yes
    Yesterday at 12:54 PM

    Absolutely hilarious to see Donald Trump on Fox News just about crying saying that he never said lock Hillary Clinton up when you can find it anywhere on YouTube. Fox just accepted it as the truth as usual,  it's absolutely astounding how rife with a lies Donald Trump's life is as well as Fox News. Lock him up.

  • 3,998
    Voted Yes
    last Sunday

    Donald Trump says the trial was very "hard on" Melania LOL --- what could you possibly add to that?
    Please lock this pig up he has no respect for America. He has no respect for his wife. He loves Donald Trump and that's it.

  • 3,998
    Voted Yes
    last Sunday

    LOL!!!!! Now that Donald The Felon Trump faces the very real possibility of being locked up. He claims that he "never said, "lock her up" or even insinuated that Hillary Clinton should be locked up.

    Trump even as astounding as it sounds, went on to say "I never had her locked up when I was president", as if he could have!
    I suppose if you played a tape of it, which is pretty easy to find in front of his lying lowlife face he would say, it was a deep fake from the deep state! The only deep fake here is Donald Trump. He's a total fake!

  • 95.4k
    Voted Yes
    last Sunday

    Post Hush Money Trial polls:

     Recent poll shows 54% of registered voters approve of the recent jury verdict in the Trump Hush money trial. This aligns with primary votes in states that allow independents to vote (43%+) which occurred prior to the trial though the guilty felony conviction looks like it added ~10%.

    " A Morning Consult conducted on Friday found 54% of registered voters either “strongly” or “somewhat” approve the guilty verdict, and though 49% said Trump should be sentenced to probation, over 44% who said he should be given a prison sentence (68% of respondents said he should be fined)."

    "49% of Independents in the poll said they believe Trump should drop out of the presidential race, just one day after Trump was convicted in his criminal trial in New York."

    "15% of likely Republican voters believe Trump should drop his campaign, while 8% of self-proclaimed Trump supporters in the survey said the same."

    " 10% of Republicans in the Reuters/Ipsos poll, which surveyed over 2,500 U.S. adults, said they were less likely to vote for Trump in the wake of the conviction, while a quarter of Independent voters said the same—18% of Independents said they were more likely to vote for Trump after the conviction."

  • 3,998
    Voted Yes
    last Sunday

    Trump" I"m willing to go to prison but I don't think the public would stand for it"

    LOL! You don't think is right, that's your big problem, most Americans THINK you should go to prison.

    You can bet if the world's biggest lier DJT found out he was going to prison he would surely wet himself. Lock him up.

    A jury of his peers found him guilty, not a deep state not the Democratic Party not Biden. This is how America has always worked it's called Democracy. The inverse of this is  China's and Russia's form of government! Which in very obviously the kind trump preferres.

  • 26.5k
    Voted Yes
    last Sunday

    Post Conviction 

    'Uncomfortable': Expert says Trump will 'fail' upcoming court mental health questions - Raw Story

    No idea if a mental exam is actually part of the procedure, but the article seems legit so... 


     David Henderson, a legal analyst describedby CNBC as “a seasoned trial lawyer, civil rights attorney, and communications consultant,” appeared on MSNBC on Saturday to discuss another aspect of the legal proceedings.


    ... Henderson brought up the “questions he will find uncomfortable.”

    “For example, they are allowed to assess his mental health and determine whether or not he needs counseling and whether or not he would cooperate with participating in counseling. I think he fails part of the exam. And they will also ask how he feels about the charges brought against him and whether or not he accepts the jury verdict. As you said, he doesn’t have to answer but the problem here is it’s not difficult to look at statements he’s made publicly about both and it’s impossible for Judge Merchan to ignore those and it’s impossible to ignore the fact that Judge Merchan appears to be someone who cares about fairness and it’s almost impossible not to compare Trump with Michael Cohen.”

    <End Quote>


  • 3,672
    Voted Yes
    last Saturday

     D.C. ethics board recommends Rudy Giuliani be disbarred
    The recommendation comes after Giuliani represented Donald Trump in a Pennsylvania court case that sought to overturn the state’s 2020 election results

    Anyone / anything associated with bozo the mobster goes down in flames - be it institutions, attorneys, business, supporters and worse of all country! 

    hey elon welcome to the losers club ...

  • 8,082
    Voted Yes
    last Saturday

    That is because ever day is a new day for him, a man who lives in the past!

  • 8,082
    Voted Yes
    last Saturday

    Dow Jones's soared over verdict! Stock market believes in democracy, capitalism, freedom, democracy, rule of law and the constitution!

  • 753
    Voted Yes
    last Saturday


    The law and order President, unless of course that applies to him. A pathetic and shameless example of an American and human being. Lock him up. This all speaks volumes to the disastrous state of the Republican party.

  • 8,082
    Voted Yes
    last Saturday

    The right wing, just like Trump, are absolutely unamerican, can not handle the truth, abide by rules and regulations and judge by their peers the out come. Trump could have testified, brought in witnesses to testify and the ones he did bring helped the prosecuting attorney. He has not leg to stand on. The evidence was over whelming against him. He had his day in court!

  • 56
    Voted Yes
    last Thursday

    Get that sick evil man out of here. Trump should be in jail not in the oval office. 

  • 49.2k
    Voted Yes
    last Friday

    Poor victim Donald now saying he "wanted to testify" in the trial.

    Well, Donald, if you really are the "strong man" you want us to believe you are, then nothing, not even a lawyer, could have stopped you from testifying.

    Who is stupid enough to believe Donald actually wanted to testify and someone held him back?

  • 1,079
    Voted Yes
    last Friday

    Republicans the Supreme Court is corrupt and cannon is corrupt why aren't you clowns complaining about them. You've ruin our great country.

  • 1,079
    Voted Yes
    last Friday

    Jim Jordan if you and republican friends aren't doing anything for the American people don't run for office. You just spent 2 years doing nothing.